Anyway, let's keep calm and enjoy the story. We haven't even got to the climax of Act 01 yet. [@Leotamer], how can you be judging the RP or openly state disinterest like that? We are doing our best to keep things interesting to everyone and that included adding situations like the one the group is now, where characters like Natus, Regina and Szeren can have their chance to shine while the more frontline oriented people sit in the side lines. You was the one asking for more battles and we are providing it, in a way that only you all are responsible for the outcome of this encounter. You are welcome to voice your opinions, but you could at least try to be more understanding. That said, we will not feel good if you feel like this RP isn't to your tastes, but you aren't obliged to stay. It's not like we will reprimand you for any choice you make, as long as it isn't disruptive for the whole group. Certain things simply don't work for certain people, after all.