[@Wick][h1][color=royalblue][center][img]http://t02.deviantart.net/22Rgt0gblSi_IukwT9Ahe-p82zg=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre15/600e/th/pre/i/2014/201/a/2/giacomo_crescentii_by_kazuyalord-d7rhlf9.jpg[/img] Elias[/center][/color][/h1][hr] The dissonance around Elias blended together, creating a cacophony of distorted voice and mangled language that was impossible to understand. It was almost as if he was hearing the outside world through a thin layer of water. A disturbance occurred, and he felt a small amount of warmth near his wound. A moment later, the warmth increased tenfold, so much so that it burned his skin and made his heart rush. The pain snapped him into consciousness, bringing with it the awareness of Alexis' presence. Elias attempted to speak, but only a moan passed his lips. A moment later, he tried again, forcing the pain in his shoulder out of his mind. [color=royalblue]"Alexis... What was that?"[/color] The odd warmth still coursed through his veins, bringing with it the sweet relief of no pain. The numbness receded deep within him, until it was but a small icy prick in his bones. A soft smile flickered across his lips as he heard Alexis' voice promise to never fight with him again. Even in his disoriented state, he could still laugh at how ridiculous that statement was. [color=royalblue]"Alexis, what's going on?[/color] Elias croaked weakly, his voice raspy and quiet. The events of the previous night flashed through his mind; The Avian, the Manticore, the- But it didn't have wings. Didn't Manticores usually have wings? Elias was almost certain they did. Then again, he didn't really believe they had existed until last night. The Grimm attempted to sit up, but it was as if he had no muscles attached to his bones. His body lay there, prone, unable to move. Panic flared in his mind, however, he quickly quelled it. The poison, or whatever it was that the Manticore had injected him with, was probably just draining his energy. Now fully aware, he managed to crane his neck slightly so he could see Alexis' face above his own. [color=royalblue]"Alexis?"[/color]