[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KN8WQ5q2la0]Exit Path[/url] It's been many years since most of the world has become uninhabitable. What few places were left were taken by the ones with the most money to build their own mega-cities. As you probably guessed, they didn't run the cities well. Most of the citizens have been turned into Runners to earn their "freedom" from the games. The survival rate is low. When the bombs fell, some of the chemicals got mixed in the air, creating an energy known only as Flow. Utilizing Flow, a Runner can triple his or her speed. Another ability of Flow is the ability to rewind yourself to your last checkpoint at death. Join the Runners. Survive the games. Earn your freedom and escape. ...and so you ran, onward to a new life. You were awakened by your own ambition, to be free and run your own course. And while the path seems unknown and the future remains unclear, one thing is for certain: "Man is free at the moment he wishes to be." - Voltaire