[h2]Estelle Varianbec, Master of Berserker[/h2] The white-haired girl knelt, hands on her knees as she peered at the wound in the purple-haired Servant's chest. "Hmmm..." In the child-like magus's mind, this confirmed it. There wasn't any question of what she was seeing. The wound was sealing itself. Already she'd suspected something was up, given that it was a Caster-class Servant using a dagger at such close range. Now that she saw the injury healing itself so quickly... Certainly, a Servant's healing capabilities far exceeded that of the a human's, and such a wound likely would not have been lethal anyway. But this speed without assistance? No, no, Estelle was certain that she had figured out was going on. "That dagger wasn't intended to wound," she declared, folding her arms. "It's more like some sort of magical catalyst, or... something else. I'm not sure. But it's not a weapon. It's a tool for magecraft." She paused for a moment, frowning. "Or against it? Something felt weird when Caster used that dagger. Hmph." The tan-skinned girl huffed as she looked back down a the other Servant, then up towards Berserker. The tone around here was pretty harsh... "Don't worry, Berserker, I'll be sure to stare at your chest plenty later," she said, simply, "That'll make up for it, right?" And then the Servant suddenly awakened and fell to the ground, prompting the girl to scramble back with a yelp of surprise. [hr] [h2]Saber - Arturia Pendragon[/h2] The moment the fires had cleared, Saber dashed forward. A charred, weakened door was kicked down in an instant, splintering beneath her armored boot. She could still feel the lingering heat in here, but she had to search. If there were any survivors, she had to find them. If they'd been trapped in these buildings as they burned... Her armored boots crunching as they fell upon charred wood still glowing with embers, she was relieved to see no-one had been trapped here. The next few buildings were much the same. Horribly burned, but it appeared no one had died here. Saber used her blade to cut through the next door, which had only burned partially before becoming trapped over the doorway, difficult to move. And within... If there had been anyone else in here, they had escaped. The remaining body was badly burnt, making it difficult to tell who the person who it had been was. Saber's gaze lowered, and she averted her eyes. Perhaps if they'd been faster... But there was no time to dwell on such things. She had to keep moving. If anyone else was still trapped inside... Each subsequent search revealed that it was unlikely anyone else had become trapped. For this, the blonde-haired girl knight was thankful. Most of the civilians had been able to escape... But for what reason had such an attack been mounted here? There were a few things that had confused the smallish swordswoman. The buildings were in flames, and yet the skeletal warriors that Caster had used had not been attacking the civilians. Surely they would all have been killed if that was the enemy Servant's goal? What was she planning? [@Riegal][@PKMNB0Y][@Raineh Daze][@Rin]