(I'm typing this on my phone, apologies for any mistakes.) Calvin was proud of his newest fixed-up ride. Sure, it had no roof or front doors and the floor was made out of some old wooden boards he found, but it ran! The people he was with said he was crazy for wanting to fix a 1995 Ford Taurus. Well, they were crazy for wanting to go back for more supplies without a car! It's not like they could carry even a tenth of the stuff the Taurus could. Assuming he could find anything, of course. That's why he was flooring it. Nothing at all to do with wanting to see how fast the car went. So far 80 MPH seemed to be the point where the engine started making weird noises. Not bad. Maybe he could... Suddenly, Calvin realized he was about to crash! There was some kind of mutant creature ahead, and were those bullet noises? No time to think about it. There wasn't enough time to turn and dodge the thing, so the kid simply jumped out of the Taurus and let the car crash into the mutant. With any luck, it would kill the creature and Calvin could decide what to do next from there. With all eyes on Calvin after the crash, he simple asked "what?" as if nothing important had happened. The car was totaled, but he could just always build another one, right?