[@Skinner35] Alright, sorry for the late reply. I'm going to be blunt, and I'm sorry for how it'll come out. A big part of why it's taken so long is because Reg and I literally forgot your submission existed. As in it left very little impression in me, and less so in Reg. A few notes:[list] [*] It's very bare, not a lot of detail. While we're not super picky, I'd definitely need more than what exists right now. On everything, really. [*] We're not accepting straight out Epics at this time, but Freaks are viable. If you came up with a good Freak Mutation to add into this, it would help. [*] I've got a hard rule against earthquakes abilities in PC powers. Magus, the elementals from Sedj, for example, can only minutely affect the Earth like that. [*] Expand on the abilities. How he absorbs, how exactly can he release, this energy. [*] Again, needs to be a Freak. [/List]