While Belle dealt with the Purugly, Beau focused on the Skuntank. Beau seemed to be able to keep a cool head and dodge a lot of Skuntank's attacks. Those that hit him, weren't very effective. This was the second time that Kjolmar noticed how calm and though Beau could be both in- and outside a battle. He might be a little slower than Belle but he could stand his ground. With a strong Bite attack, Beau finished Skuntank off. "Argh! Let's go Mars!" Jupiter said and they took a run for it. In the corner was the kidnapped Clefairy who was relieved that it could reunite with its trainer. Beau walked up to Belle to see if she was alright after that fight and snuggled up against her, licking her fur near her ear. Kjolmar sighed while staring at Aro. "This building might be secure for now but I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of those two. And did I hear that right, are they named after planets? Anyway, let's go get our second gym badge before any other trouble shows up." Kjolmar left Beau out of his pokeball for a bit.