[center][h2][color=f26522]Rumia Shinrikyo[/color][/h2] [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/LWm7QJl6LBeAwavRx-I38QWASbJV9pXvk6-notFl3a0/https/i.imgur.com/JmfAGwu.gif[/img][/center] Had it not been for her dear cousin, Rumia would be kicking back in her trashy apartment complex with her father's television echoing in the background. The hoarded pile of junk and dysfunctional lifestyle made recognition of any form of mail a rarity within the ginger's household. Good thing Kyoko was a thing. The discovering of such an opportunity had been taken with little to no interest from the peculiar hooligan. It'd only be when reminded of a Jonin's salary that the lass' drive would be kicked into high gear. This would be better than working in the public sector. The trek to Konohagakure would be almost impromptu on Rumia's part. No warning to her father, though she'd bet on whether he'd notice or not, and leaving her pals to hang for a few days, this specimen was not only reckless in the battlefield. Her whole life was just one big, unassuming adventure. A few congregated together, but they were all squares. No, she'd be with Kyoko, taking her own path and avoiding any potential conversation with the other attendees of her village. Nothing too anti-social, the delinquent had just enough insight when it came to interaction to deduce that compatibility was a rarity among the other conscripted. Even if they were similar social baskets. That and beer wouldn't have to be shared. Then came the hidden leaf. A sight Rumia would barely admire. Sight seeing wasn't much to this pseudo-pragmatist. Such a colorful individual simply could not bother to savour the beauty of a new environment, and tell the tale to the more sedentary of her friends. It would be extremely 'gay' anyway. Though there was one thing she was looking for: A pub. Or whatever was the equivalent in the leaf. A place where both tobacco and alcohol could be purchased. Casual alcoholic drinks anyway, she wasn't that down the rabbit hole just yet. Kyoko was free to do whatever, Rumia just wanted to have a chug before they'd be engaged in this redundant exam. She wouldn't even know what 'redundant' would mean, but it seemed to be repeated a whole lot by one of her neighbors. A few chats with a barman and a couple of purchases later, and our ginger protagonist would finally come to notice the slightly flashy Konoha citizen conspicuously land before the Standium. She had a good view, given the pub was quite the tourist trap for foreigners wanting to get shitfaced while watching a match. "[color=f26522]Goodness, ain't you just the sweetest thang.[/color]" Lil' Hime's joy radiated so much that it would even capture the Iwa thug's attention as she'd eventually step into the stadium. The thick accent of a more secluded group of people from the Earth Nation was not restrained by any means. At least they wouldn't have too much trouble keeping up with how she'd stretch certain words. It was followed by a wink at their general direction combined with a shit-eating smirk. Beer bottle in hand, she'd chug a good hundred centiliters once her presence known. They could all take notice of her casual attire, with only a couples of pouches bound to her mini shorts' belt. Sandals were rather generic, but it'd ber her ski-blue T-shirt with a plain, yellow smiley-face on its center. They'd expose her tattoos on her right arm: A portion of what seemed to be a scaled tail wrapped over her upper arm while her forearm had an unusual set of Kanji, near her wrist. Rather generic, but the writing seemed to be of a dialect, and hard to interpret without actually knowing it.