[hider=Tahzra] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/b0108e6c-535e-405a-8113-08870847da1e.jpg[/img][/center] [h2]Tahzra - The Monster Slayer[/h2] [indent]Hunter Class[/indent] Health: 5 Armour: 1 Attack: 4 [i]Bio[/i] When Tahzra's clan was destroyed by a mad, crystal-enhanced bear, she was forced to cooperate with the civilised world. She became a big game hunter, tracking and slaying dangerous beasts, particularly crystal monsters, for money. She has, on a number of occasions, saved the smaller settlements around from threats they don't have the manpower to deal with. In the far south regions of Novus Anima, where Tahzra is based, there are so few permanently civilised areas has meant that there's always plenty of work available. [i]Gameplay[/i] Tahzra's traits mean that she is a very strong combatant against animals and monsters, but humans and humanoids pose much larger threats to her. In a particularly dangerous situation, her "overdrive" ability can be a lifesaver, dramatically enhancing her combat abilities for the phase - but also increasing her needs to eat and rest for it. This makes her well suited to a high risk, high reward environment, taking on the most dangerous of threats then using the newly acquired resources to keep her going while she recovers. Additionally, her relative weakness when fighting humans and humanoids forces her to be more of a team player. [b]Monster Hunter:[/b] When hunting, Tahzra is considered to be hunting in her own subregion as well as any subregions bordering it. While fighting humans and humanoids, Tahzra's armour and attack lower by 1 each. [b]Overdrive:[/b] Tahzra can activate this ability at any point to increase her attack and armour by 2 each for the remainder of the phase. However, at the end of the phase, her rest and nourishment decrease as if two phases had passed instead of one. [/hider]