Had one other idea for a character if this doesn't work out. [hider=Ken Kazetani] [center][h1][u]K E N K A Z E T A N I[/u][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/kxSZYrk.jpg[/img] [b]“Heroes? Don't care about that stuff. Just wanna drift like the wind.”[/b][/center] [color=FFF400][sub][u]N A M E[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Ken Kazetani[/list] [color=FFF400][sub][u]A G E[/u][/sub][/color] [list]15[/list] [color=FFF400][sub][u]O R I G I N[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Sapporo, Japan[/list] [color=FFF400][sub][u]P E R S O N A L I T Y T R O P E S[/u][/sub][/color] [list] Lazy Bright Unambitious Would Rather Be a Bystander Resentful of Heroes [/list] [color=FFF400][sub][u]D E S C R I P T I O N[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Ken is 5'5 with short, dark black hair that always has one or two unmanageable cowlicks no matter how he combs it and soft oak brown eyes. He generally tries to wear gloves or in cold weather mittens that cover up his hands to try and avoid drawing attention to his quirk as well as keeping them as an additional safety measure over the shiny, metallic discs of metal that normally cover them. He's a fairly skinny and nonathletic kid despite the fact that his powers would benefit from exercise. In addition he's unusually pale from all the hard work he's put in trying to avoid strenuous physical activities. He's also got a face that's much more prone to smiling vacantly than frowning and brooding and tries to generally maintain a façade that he's as carefree as the wind, dressing somewhat sloppily as part of that when he can get away with it. [/list] [color=FFF400][sub][u]Q U I R K T Y P E[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Mutation[/list] [color=FFF400][sub][u]Q U I R K D E S C R I P T I O N[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Ken's Quirk is Rotary Breeze, a mutation-type Quirk that meant he was born with rotor blades in his palms that are capable of generating hurricane force winds that often appear similar to miniature tornadoes. When not actively in use, the palm rotors are protected by a retractable metallic cover that looks like a metal disc in the center of each palm with a crack across showing where it opens. At the moment Ken is only capable of creating wind that pushes or pulls directly away from or towards his palms, and has a minimum level of force available to him that's fairly destructive. However with time curving wind-streams, flight and less direct object manipulation and wind control may all be possible, as might gentler and more finely tuned use of wind. Rotary Breeze takes energy to maintain, and while Ken is more than capable of using his highest usual setting in short bursts, he can only maintain it for about 30 seconds before burning himself out and needing several hours to recover. Moreover, due to his general lack of physical fitness, his body isn't capable of handling the strain of using the full extent of his power and doing so can cause severe muscle strain in his shoulders, arms and back. In addition if a foreign object made of a material he's not able to mulch such as a piece of metal or some larger stones were to jam up Ken's rotor blades, as is especially probable during suction-based uses of the Quirk, it would shut down use of his Quirk for that hand and cause him extreme pain until it was removed. [/list] [color=FFF400][sub][u]C A P A B I L I T I E S[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Ken is decent at drawing and actually fairly academically smart and capable of getting good grades, as he'd rather be an artist, a writer or maybe an architect compared to being a hero. He's fairly lacking in athletic ability even after being pressured into going to Isshin. Has a latent instinctual grasp on how much force is needed to safely move objects with wind bursts, but considering he usually just throws raw force around and hasn't bothered to learn to use lower settings of Rotary Breeze, it's significantly atrophied.[/list] [color=FFF400][sub][u]C H A R A C T E R G O A L S[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Ideally I'd like for him to slowly develop past his hangups and go from somebody with no real desire to be a Pro Hero who only worked hard to get into Isshin because of his family legacy and the guilt he feels over that to a genuinely heroic character who's hopefully learned to understand what it was his mother gave up her life for at the end of her career as a Pro Hero. I'd also like to develop his powers so that they go from something destructive that he hardly ever uses and only a force for combat to something that can range from being gentle and helpful to awesomely controlled destruction. I'd also like to better his skills along with his personality and motivations. [/list] [/hider]