[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/spray-paint-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170829/4c080b52f95e7f9355bdd469bb965e33.png[/img][/url] [url=http://cdn.acidcow.com/pics/20120619/cosplay_girls_04.jpg]Picture[/url][/center] [color=dodgerblue]"In the town where I was born lived a man who sailed the sea; and he told of us of his life, in the land of submarines"[/color] Sings Pam behind her mask with a sweet tone she's practiced just for those times when her face is masked. Once she's decided to make a move the clever blonde acts without fear or hesitation so she makes she her walk reinforce her sexuality knowing its effect on males reduced to a primal state and even gives her an air of defenselessness to which most men respond to as a natural course of being men. Sure there were people that looked down on her because she knew that she herself was barter and the effort easy, in fact, she had a plan to find herself a strong man whom could give her strong children because she knew from school primitive cultures and how the elderly needed to have many children around them as a means of support and protection in the fading years and that a woman married early so that having those children was easier to recover from. She wondered if they would understand that in their societal state at present all the sweetness and light of love stuff a fantasy; the happily ever after was gone replaced by hard reality.