[center][hider=Estellise] [hr][hr] [color=HotPink][h3] Estellise Alenia [/h3][/color] [hr][hr] [img] https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/7/77/P5_Haru_Okumura.png/revision/latest?cb=20160903184438 [/img] [hr][hr] [color=HotPink][b]Name[/b][/color] [i]Estellise Alenia[/i] [color=HotPink][b]Nickname/Alias[/b][/color] [i]None[/i] [color=HotPink][b]Age[/b][/color] [i]17[/i] [color=HotPink][b]Gender[/b][/color] [i]Female[/i] [color=HotPink][b]Race[/b][/color] [i]Demon Weapon[/i] [color=HotPink][b]Appearance[/b][/color] [i]Estellise is not a particularly imposing girl; she is fairly short standing at only five three. She has short shoulder length auburn hair and light brown eyes. Generally, her features are soft and lack any particular definition. Estellise almost always smells of some strawberry scented perfume and her skin is soft and mostly well kept. She dresses in a very feminine manner; often opting for dresses and light colours. There is nothing especially eye catching about Estellise if you were to look at her but one might notice that she has a very warm and pleasant look about her at most times and is often wearing a smile. [/i] [color=HotPink][b]Personality[/b][/color] [i]Estellise is a warm and compassionate person, well mannered and very lady like. She finds tolerance for everyone and tries to spread as much warmth and kindness as possible. Thanks to her upbringing, Estellise is always trying to bring people closer together. She tries hard to become friends with those around her and does her best to give. Unfortunately, Estellise spends little time focused on the self and is often preoccupied with the struggles and conflicts of others to address her own problems. She is certainly endearing, but she tends lack resolve and struggles at making decisions for herself. Despite this Estellise is still a very calming person; she finds it easy to look for the lighthouse in the storm and does her best to motivate those around her.[/i] [color=HotPink][b]Likes[/b][/color] [i]Swimming, Arts and Crafts, Carrots, Reading, Sewing, Cooking, High Places[/i] [color=HotPink][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] [i]Dark Places, Bugs, The Word 'Moist', Mud, Combat, Ghost Stories, Cabbage[/i] [color=HotPink][b]Fears[/b][/color] [i]Fears never finding herself or something that she is truly good at[/i] [color=HotPink][b]Backstory[/b][/color] [i]Unlike most who choose to become meisters, Estellise was born into a life privilege. She suffered no hardship in her upbringing, in fact, it was quite a pampered one. Estellise born to a high rising family in a large city. They were known for producing an excellent line of high achievers. Estellise’s siblings were all exceptional in their various fields. She was an outsider in comparison to the rest of her family; not to the least due to the fact she was the product an affair. Estellise was a bastard child and she grew up very much aware of that fact. She had all of the riches and supplies she wanted. Estellise had books, which she spent a lot of time reading and absorbing. There was not a lot of love in her home. Her family did not love her fully as she was an outsider and her father had her around as a reminder of his shame. Had her mother not passed away shortly after her birth, it was no secret he would have left Estellise with her. The divide between Estellise and her family only grew as she grew older; she wasn’t very talented at anything. She made decent conversation and she was polite, but she lacked any charm or charisma. She didn’t exceed much academically either and eventually, she discovered the ability to transform into a weapon – a gene likely inherited from her mother’s side. Her family grew fearful of Estellise and how different she was in comparison to rest of the family. After a while, she gave up on trying to patch the divide between them and began to accept that they would always be at odds. She realised that they would never look at her the way she looked at them, but regardless, it didn’t stop her from trying to seek their approval constantly. It wasn’t until an encounter with a girl named Laila that Estellise realised there could be more out there. Laila, a Meister at the academy, encountered Estellise whilst on the hunt for souls but during the battle, she and her partner became separated. Whilst searching for her partner in the city she ran into Estellise and the two struck up a conversation. Estellise showed her around the city and they eventually found her partner – although he was wounded the two were able to complete their hunt. Estellise watched in amazement – having followed all the way until the end. She realised that perhaps she could be useful to someone out there. She did have a gift, one she could use to make a difference. Upon speaking with her father he agreed to send her to Death City – in order to get rid of her and in the hope that she might turn out some skill. Perhaps she would come back a different person. Estellise set off and enrolled in the DWMA and began taking her first step toward to herself.[/i] [color=HotPink][b]Partner Name[/b][/color] [i]To Be Decided.[/i] [color=HotPink][b]Weapon Form[/b][/color] [i]Spear[/i] [color=HotPink][b]Weapon Form Description[/b][/color] [i][img]http://diarynote.jp/data/blogs/l/20130922/89869_201309222238548108_3.jpg[/img][/i] [color=HotPink][b]Miscellaneous Abilities/Skills[/b][/color] [i][b]Partial Transformation:[/b] Estellise is able to partially transform parts of her body into her spear form. Similarly, her spear form is able to adjust its length to be suited to the Meister who is wielding her. [b][url=http://souleater.wikia.com/wiki/Healing_Wavelength]Healing Wavelength[/url]:[/b] Estellise is in possession of healing wavelength, a very rare type of wavelength. Even she is not sure where the source of her ability comes from, but it is potent. [b]Light Screen:[/b] Whilst in her spear form Estellise is able to emit light from her crystal and turn this into a protective screen for her Meister. The barrier is relatively sturdy and is a potent defence against magic based attacks; able to reflect weaker magical attacks. However, the barrier is easily broken by physical attacks. [b]Light Rope:[/b] Whilst in spear form Estellise is able to emit a rope of light from the crystal in her spear tip which is able to restrict foes. The rope can be fired as a binding projectile or can remain connected to the crystal. The rope is fairly sturdy but does nothing to deplete the strength of the captee. [b]Prismatic Mirror:[/b] Estellise is able to utilise the light in the crystal point her spear to emit a large amount of light and create 'reflections' of the things around her. These reflections are exactly that; reflections. They cannot speak, they carry no scent and if they are touched they instantly 'shatter'. [b]Light Generation:[/b] Estellise is able to emit a large amount of light our of the crystal in her spear tip. She is able to make and maintain a fairly bright light in weapon form. She is also able to generate light with partial transformation but this light is dimmer. [b]First Aid Knowledge:[/b] Estellise helps out with the school nurse and has good knowledge of first aid and battlefield treatment. She undertakes additional supervised study and is quite proficent at treating minor injuries. She has a rough idea what to do for some more serious battlefield injuries but her knowledge and technical skill do not extend beyond basic life support. [/i] [color=HotPink][b]Soul Resonance[/b][/color] [i]To Be Decided.[/i] [color=HotPink][b]Extra[/b][/color] [i]Estellise is a terrific baker[/i] [/hider][/center]