[quote=@Laduguer] Gate listened to Shiah, Octavia and Tigranes converse (or gesticulate, as in the case of Octavia) and felt a sense of bitter cynicism rise in his gut. [i]Look at them - posturing as if they were the Emperor's finest... knowing what end of the stick the laser comes out of doesn't make you better than the rest of us.[/i] He sat quietly and brooded for a few moments, before standing up and walking over as Tigranes finished speaking. His initial thoughts of friendly ice-breaking had somewhat diminished. "That's very thoughtful of you, friend", he says, approaching from behind Tigranes, "I bet you'd love to take care of all our gear. I hadn't realised that taking that shuttle trip suddenly made you less of a criminal." Gate's faux-charming friendly demeanour drops. "Stay away from my stuff. Here's some better advice for the lot of you - firing that gun should be the least of your priorities. You should be thinking more about how you'll avoid needing to fire it, so you'll survive longer than five seconds when they throw you into the meat grinder." He glances over his shoulder, suddenly concerned that an official may be listening. [/quote] Tigranes was aware that most likely he would be facing the same amount of "peoples trouble" in the Legion as back in Redemption. He just wasn't expecting it to come so fast and so blatantly at him. Specially not after he had gone to the trouble of joining the impromptu training section. But assholes were everywhere and Tigranes had his fair share of experience in dealing with the sort. In this particular case, he decided to refrain from too much hostility. After all, this Gate was still his comrade in arms and that alone earned him some minor measure of respect. Besides, too much aggressiveness and posturing might lead to unfortunate accidents in the future. Of course, if the smuggler continued to be an right and proper asshole then a change of tactics would be needed. "I'm a criminal, ay." Tigranes conceded. "But I'm here because my master was a heretic and because of the blood I shed in his name. Not petty thievery." His tone grew firmer as he continued. "However, the fact that all of us volunteered to be here means that, regardless of our previous crimes, we have taken the first steps in expiating our sins in the eyes of Him on Terra by accepting a life of sacrifices on the battlefield in His name." He gave a pause, fixing Gate with a glare "At least in theory." He shrugged. "I'm sure some of us may falter when the time comes to prove our dedication to the path of redemption. But right now I'm willing to give our squadmates the benefit of the doubt. At least while we're getting to know each other." Tigranes shrugged. "I'm not saying that I'm actively looking to die. But the chances of that happening to all of us are indeed quite high. However, as long as we carry out the God Emperor's will through our sacrifice then we die with clean souls. After all, isn't redemption the whole point of this?" He gestured with wide open arms to the Hangar. "And now I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just defending the merits of subtlety and infiltration in combat rather than actually suggesting we actively avoid our duties."