[Josh] Josh tried to ignore the Arcanine's ramblings. He wasn't sure if 'Barry' was real or just someone the Arcanine made up, but it was clear that he was insane. Without warning, the Arcanine dashed towards him, completely catching Josh off guard. Fortunately for him, though, Anthony managed to get in the way, successfully countering the attack and sending the Arcanine flying into a nearby wall. Though the insane ramblings lasted a few more seconds, they were quickly silenced when Kamina pinned the Arcanine to the wall. With the Arcanine under control, Josh turned towards the only enemy that remained - the Graveler. It began rolling, picking up momentum until it finally headed toward Kamina, who seemed to be too busy with the Arcanine to notice. Thinking quickly, Josh hit the Graveller head-on with a Hydro Pump. He was hoping to stop the Rollout in its tracks, or at the very least slow it down. [hr] [Dexter] The trapdoor slammed shut behind them, plunging the room into total darkness. They began to move forward, and as soon as they entered the next room, attacks started flying back and forth. Dexter couldn't tell exactly how many enemies were in there, but it was at least three. Spruce requested that someone light up the room, and Dexter felt Nina nudge him, whispering "That's your cue." "I know, Nina. I'm not a fucking idiot." Dexter growled under his breath. Facing towards the three pairs of glowing eyes, he took a deep breath and blew a continuous stream of flame towards them. He didn't really care whether or not he hit them. His main goal was just to reveal them, and let his teammates could take care of the rest. After stopping for a moment to take another breath, he did it again. He knew he couldn't keep doing this the entire time, though. He was already starting to feel a little light-headed. "There's gotta be a better way of doing this. I want to kick some asses too, you know."