[@Nallore][@Witch Cat][@Pundii][@FantasyChic][@BlueSky44] Okay, here are your skill rewards! General skills go in the general section, combat skills go in the combat skill section. I'm going to give everyone until September 10th to update their skills and to edit in the new relations/clue sheet. Since we just did an update to relations, I'm cool if you guys just edit in the new sheet and don't fill in the relations stuff yet. As long as you have your character quote and image, that'll be good. Andromeda Aldrich - Leadership (General) Eudora Erebus - Pick [b]ONE[/b] of the Seven Wonders (Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, Transmutation, Concilium, Vitalum Vitalis, Divination, Descensum) (General) Emmie Adams - Visions (General) Aloise Zamora - Deception (General) Lilith St. Sebastian - Resiliency (General) Thalia Maehers - Constitution (Combat) Olivia Johnson - Tracking (General) October Crypt - Investigation (General) Carolina Reed - Investigation (General) James Murphy - Mental Constitution (General) And here is our updated relations/clue sheet! As you'll notice, there are actually no 'cases' for you to solve...Instead, it's designed for you to keep track of how to defeat the two baddies left standing: the mullo and Hel. I'll give you a brief little spoiler here: you'll be going up against the mullo first! [hider] [hr.][hr.] [h1][center][b][i][color=9999ff]The Notebook[/color][/i][/b][/center][/h1][hr.][h2][center][b][i][color=???]Character Name[/color][/i][/b][/center][/h2][center][img]Character Image[/img][/center][center][i][color=???]"Character Quote"[/color][/i][/center][hr.][hr.][center]║ [color=yellow]☯[/color] Neutral ║ [color=orange]✿[/color] Friend ║ [color=cyan]❅[/color] BFF ║ [color=pink]♡[/color] Infatuation ║ [color=red]❤[/color] Love ║ ║ [color=ed145b]❦[/color] Considered Family ║ [color=limegreen]☣[/color] Tense ║ [color=red]☢[/color] Dislikes ║ [color=gray]☠[/color] Enemy ║[/center][hr.][hr.] [center]Symbol [b][color=???]Characters Name[/color][/b] Symbol [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character"[/i][/center] Relation Details [hr.] [center]Symbol [b][color=???]Characters Name[/color][/b] Symbol [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character"[/i][/center] Relation Details [hr.] [center]Symbol [b][color=???]Characters Name[/color][/b] Symbol [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character"[/i][/center] Relation Details [hr.] [center]Symbol [b][color=???]Characters Name[/color][/b] Symbol [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character"[/i][/center] Relation Details [hr.] [center]Symbol [b][color=???]Characters Name[/color][/b] Symbol [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character"[/i][/center] Relation Details [hr.] [center]Symbol [b][color=???]Characters Name[/color][/b] Symbol [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character"[/i][/center] Relation Details [hr.] [center]Symbol [b][color=???]Characters Name[/color][/b] Symbol [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character"[/i][/center] Relation Details [hr.] [center]Symbol [b][color=???]Characters Name[/color][/b] Symbol [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character"[/i][/center] Relation Details [hr.] [center]Symbol [b][color=???]Characters Name[/color][/b] Symbol [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character"[/i][/center] Relation Details [hr.] [center]Symbol [b][color=???]Characters Name[/color][/b] Symbol [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character"[/i][/center] Relation Details [hr.] [center][b][color=9999ff]The Mullo[/color][/b][/center] [list] [*]Identity - [*]Strengths - [*]Weaknesses - [*]Methods to Kill It - [*]Other Information - [/list] [hr.] [center][b][color=9999ff]Hel[/color][/b][/center] [list] [*]Identity - [*]Strengths - [*]Weaknesses - [*]Methods to Kill Her - [*]Other Information - [/list] [hr.] [center][b][color=9999ff]Other Clues Or Points Of Interest[/color][/b][/center] [list] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/list][hr.][/hider] I'm going to be checking people's CSs and letting them know what bits of lore (if any) they're aware of. If you don't get a PM from me tonight, then you just don't know any. The original OOC has been updated as well. We will officially start chapter three once Blue posts.