Misty knew what she was doing was against every rule. Against everything she had been taught. The rules were there to protect their species. That's what her father always said to everyone. That if they were ever found out they would be captured and tested. That the humans would be so scared of them that they would completely wipe out their species. But Misty didn't believe that. She hadn't only been a child for a little while before the humans started building their cities under the water. If you could call them cities, they were more of test sites, testing to see if they could survive under the water because they had slowly started to lose space on land. She had seen them trying the same thing in the air too, but there was nothing there that was hiding from them. Her whole species had managed to stay hidden, even after there were cameras put under the water, after they started sending giant metal ships that stayed under the water. But now that there were cities Misty didn't give it long before they were found out. Before the humans had so many little underwater cities that the mermaids had no where else to hide, no where to escape them. But she had a soft spot for the humans. They didn't think so, but they were helpless under the water. They didn't know the rules of the water and they couldn't breath under the water without their metal tanks full of air. She loved to watch them from a distance, to watch how they interacted with each other. Sometimes she would poke her head out of the water and watch them on the beaches enjoying the sun together. There had been a few times she went ashore herself and tried to interact with them, but she could only stay up for so long before she had to return to the water, before she had to return home before someone missed her. Her father knew that she liked to explore on her own, and she knew it worried him more than anything, but she was a free spirit. She had to see what the outside world held. Today was no different. She was more aware of what was going on with the humans than any of her kind because the rest hid, trained to fight if they had to, but stayed out of site. Misty would watch them, follow the divers and watch what they did. Watched the battles between the different countries that had their little underworld cities trying to lay claim to the spaces. Today there was a group of eight divers, all men, that were heading towards a Russian city under the water. Misty liked these divers, they were around a lot checking things out and making sure that things were kept in line. She saw them as the guarders of the ocean in a way. They were tough, strong and a team. She didn't like the Russians, they didn't care what they did to the creatures of the ocean, didn't care if they were polluting the water and destroying the homes of the helpless creatures that lived in it. She didn't know why the group was heading towards the city, but it intrigued her. She kept her distance like she always did, stayed out of site. She had managed to never been seen no matter how many times she followed the group. She knew what the weapons they carried were capable of and they scared her a little. But she also knew that the weapons had never been turned on a sea creature unless it had been trying to harm them. It only happened once, they had been attacked by one of the sharks and had killed it. None of them had been harmed, but part of her thought they hadn't wanted to kill the shark. It gave them no option though. She slipped a little closer, gliding behind a rock as she watched them moving fluidly through the water. Even though they didn't have any fins like she did, they seemed at home in the water.