[@Zarkun] [color=SteelBlue]"Look, I don't know if the concept of just doing something to be nice is familiar to you, but..."[/color] Akagalcia waited patiently for him to finish speaking, watching his body openly. He seemed confused. Cautious. He was just as lost as she was, but much more comfortable with the world around him. He fit in this place. She wondered if Rave fit everywhere he went. That was valuable. [color=SteelBlue]"..oney isn't exactly an issue for me. Or, won't be until I manage to tick off someone important in accounting anyways."[/color] Favor was valuable too. When he fell silent Akagalcia had been preparing to explain herself, fitting words together and finding them messy again and again... but she noticed the weight of the silence. He was sensing, though she couldn't guess how. But he smelled different. More awake, like the wakefulness of fingers swollen with blood from a good march. In the few moments it took Rave to survey the bar in his way, Akagalcia ordered some food, repeating an order she'd heard a couple of days ago that smelled nice. She didn't even finish ordering before Rave was back. [color=orange]"..shelwaedfa unmai? Su gan maud shalah."[/color] As the server continued his rounds Akagalcia pulled a brown clay mug from the sack at her back and set it in front of her. Then she focused back on Rave. [color=SteelBlue]"Seems we missed quite the party earlier."[/color] She looked around the bar, closed her eyes, and sniffed. He wasn't wrong. After a moment or two, Akagalcia opened her eyes again, smiling at Rave. [color=orange]"I know how I know that... but how do you know that?"[/color]