[center][h1][color=#20B2AA]Zach Kozel:[/color] [color=00a99d]Sp[/color][color=yellow]Farce[/color]'s Apartment[/h1] [@Banana][@Spiffy][@eklispe][/center] The last few weeks felt like living in a bubble. On the literal side, people didn't get too close. When he fought people it felt like he was seeing himself from the third person, his defense completely disconnected from any rational thoughts. Zach's power protected, protected more, and didn't stop until everyone who could hurt him had exhausted every tool they had. Every magazine empty, and often many bones broken. That didn't include the ones who ran outright, but the disconnect went further. On the metaphorical side, his power was great at isolation, not caring about anyone but Zach's safety. A bubble had the connotation of being soft though, and his was anything but. A figure called out to the people it floated above, and Zach was raised from his glum stupor with shock. A ghost, more corpse than ethereal was hovering above the various members of Lethal Force, and Zach realized soon that it was Limbo. At processing the words he froze, looking to his fellow members for direction. If he was alone he would've followed, but now he wasn't so sure. He and the other leaders had lives under their control, it was hardly a small thing to ask them to risk said lives. So he looked to Judah, the natural leader of the group with eyes that begged for direction.