It took a still paused silent moment for Arex to react. Slowly he turned his head to face Amy, looking over his shoulder he spoke to her. [color=red]"Is now really the time?"[/color] Not that she could tell, but his eyes scanned the room behind her before falling to her attire and then lifting to admire the detail in her face. [color=red]"Nice jacket."[/color] he said as he took a sip from his drink, his voice muffled behind the ready glass. [color=red]"Drink with me and we can talk."[/color] He said having given in. Arex suspected that Amy wasn't going to take no for an answer. There was a small pause then he added in. [color=red]"That's Liz by the way"[/color] Arex nodded to the other girl beside him before remembering Amy couldn't see without the goggles she took off. [color=red]"That's ok, she's in her own little world."[/color] Then Liz giggled in reply leading Amy to believe maybe Arex was speaking of her. The sounds of footsteps approached from the other side of the bar. The heavy breathing of a man about to speak was interrupted by the squeak of Arex's chair as he stood up and leaned over the bar. Amy could hear the hushed whispers of his secret order. Next Arex sat back down and the barkeep walked away. [color=red]"Do we have a deal?"[/color] he asked Amy.