[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/TFuZjmT.png[/img][/center] [h3][color=bfc4cc]Prince Antoine[/color][/h3][quote][color=bfc4cc][b]Location:[/b][/color] Abhainn's ballroom. [color=bfc4cc][b]Interacting with:[/b][/color] Lady Julianna Hardin [@HushedWhispers]; Lord Aedan Merryn [@Pundii].[/quote] As Antoine approached the would-be Queen and the lord at her flank, he took a quiet breath in. If he was nervous before, he was certainly more nervous now: with the King of Abhainn the stars had more or less aligned, and he wasn't nearly that blessed with his luck for lightning to strike twice. The stakes are also higher with Aedan and Julianna: not only is Julianna integral to any plot or scheme he might make to inhibit or even seize the reaches of his father, but Aedan was more-or-less the same - being a seasoned warrior and general as he is - and he certainly had less time for conspiracies. It was an odd thought: Antoine certainly didn't like to think of what he was doing as a grand conspiracy or plot, but in reality, it was definitely treason. As he pushed the breath out, he reminded himself: he wasn't plotting regicide, he was plotting peace, and both of these people seemed trustworthy enough. To some extent, he believed he could be transparent. As Antoine approached the two, he offered a curt bow to each one - Julianna first, followed by Aedan. [color=bfc4cc][b]"My lady, my lord; or, your majesty soon enough."[/b][/color] he began, following with a smile, [color=bfc4cc][b]"I believe congratulations are in order. It must be so exciting, marrying a man such as his majesty and becoming a Queen. I hope that it's not too stressful - this should be a time of rejoice for you, not worry."[/b][/color] He then turned his attention to Aedan, pressing on with the thought: [color=bfc4cc][b]"And Lord Aedan- a pleasure, as always. I'd ask if the trip treated you well, but I feel like you'd never say if it didn't."[/b][/color] After initiating the conversation, Antoine paused. Naturally, time for replies and conversation was required, need not mention room for a response from him again. Yet, in the pit of his stomach, he couldn't help but feel the elephant in the room; no doubt the others felt it as well. Even if Aedan was a reluctant ruler, he was somebody that he wanted to trust, and Julianna went much the same - even if at arguably greater risk. [i]Fortune favors the bold,[/i] her reminded himself; in the back of his mind, he assured himself that that saying was going to kill him one day. [color=bfc4cc][b]"Although, I'm not going to pretend there isn't an elephant in the room."[/b][/color] he began, his tone shifting to something more somber as his stance became less stiff.