[@Malygris] I'm thinking either Paris or London, I'm leaning towards London solely because I know the city better, but there's no reason we couldn't have channel hopping Kindred running about. [@Plank Sinatra] Most certainly, provided that you keep it interesting. You might have de jure immunity from hostile action by Camarilla officials but that doesn't mean they won't at least consider such things if your character prompts it. [@pugbutter] I'd be cool with you running a True Brujah, provided you're reasonable with the Temporis. Standard RPing rules, you can have cool powers just don't over do it or we might have to work out some restrictions in order to keep things balanced. Oh and a CS for you all: [hider=CS] Name: Clan: Generation: Sire: Appearance: Age: Disciplines: Sect: Titles: (e.g. Alastor, Scourge) General Bio: [/hider] I'll leave this open a couple more days see if anyone else is interested in joining. Should give you time to get character sheets together so I can better hash out a setting too.