Hi guys, how's it going? my name is Gil. Just joined this guild. Uhmm, I don't know what exactly to say but I'll just go with it. So, I am 20 years old, currently serving in the IDF ( Israeli Defense Forces ) as a Sniper in the Air Force Commando unit named Shaldag. I've been roleplaying around since forever hehehe XD and I also like to write stories and stuff on my phone, using some kind of application I downloaded via PlayStore. Anyways, I welcome you all to send a PM whenever you like if you want to ask some questions or just get to know me better or even if you feel like RPing with me privately, you know, something which is one on one kind of thingy. I have a lot of themes/subjects we could use and just have fun. If you have something of your own, I would love to hear your ideas and try them out. One more little thing about me is that I am kinda into more a pro-skilled RP. Meaning that I do write around 5-8 paragraphs and in each paragraph is like at least 6 lines. Filling my posts with a lot of details to the tiniest spots and to the bottom of everything to make it as interesting as possible and also understandable to make the reader feel some attachment and develop some feelings towards the written and what the character is going through and etc and etc and etc. In addition, [b]I require the same level as well[/b].