[quote=@Not Fishing]And I personally feel strongly about not putting all my cards on the table and revealing everything there is to know about my character before the story even begins. [u][b]If you picked up a book, and the author immediately tells you what kind of character each person is, how trustworthy they are, their ultimate goal... where's the fun in that? Where's the mystery?[/b][/u] If I say he likes to backstab people, or has a strong sense of honor/selflessness... there won't be any surprise if he betrays the group or gives his life to save one of them. [u][b]His personality is also going to be in back of the other players' minds when they have their characters' deal with him[/b][/u], and whether they are aware of it or not could affect their characters' behavior towards him... hence why I tend to avoid reading other people's personalities when I go through their sheets, in order to make my characters' interactions feel as genuine as possible.[/quote] I know I’m not an authority in this RP, but as one of the accepted players I feel the need to make my thoughts on this known. A role-play is not a book. It’s a collaborative project where a degree of trust needs to be established prior to the story being told and I agree with Hank [as much as I don’t like personality sections myself] that it can be an integral and important part of an application. A well-written and consistent personality speaks towards building that trust. Also, I completely detest the idea that I and the other players will use knowledge of characters (ie: metagaming) to influence an interaction. I’ve been writing for close to twenty years and I do not use out-of-game knowledge. [quote=@Not Fishing]Why do you need to know how the group members are going to mesh with each other? Isn't the entire premise supposed to be that a group of unaffiliated adventurers came together for an adventure? They don't know each other, and it's more fun to see their relationships develop as the story progresses, rather than be able to predict them before the characters are even introduced.[/quote] Hank likely is looking at character dynamics and chemistry to help him decide on what characters to accept for the party at large. It’s not that far out – GM’s employ this tactic all the time. [quote=@Not Fishing]Honestly, in the personality section I straight-up told you I intended to reveal his personality over the roleplay, and it wasn't my preference to reveal it all in the character sheet. If it really was a dealbreaker, you could have told me that and I would have added it in. Instead you led me to believe I had a chance, and I hung around here checking out other characters and talking to people, and then you just rejected me. My refusal to initially fill out the personality section says nothing about what I'm like in a roleplay. [/quote] Your refusal to fill out the personality section actually says a lot. The GM included it in the sheet because he deemed it relevant and important. I don’t like writing paragraphs of information on a characterization before I’ve written them but I don’t ignore the field if the field is provided in the perquisite template. It is pretty poor foresight to presume that the section was unimportant and blaming Hank for it seems rather absurd to me.