[quote=@Peik] [@Stormflyx] – Amidst all the grim and conveniently dressed character submissions, I personally appreciate a taste of haute couture. Raelynn, with her love of good looks, feels like a classic upstart Breton, and this is quite cohesive with her personality. I like how the little waifish woman, while helpful, is also manipulative, spoiled and snobbish internally. As I’ve said with Vensor’s review, I like petty characters who mix good and bad tendencies together, and I think Raelynn’s personality is quite believable in that matter. Not everyone you work with is completely pleasant to work with, and Raelynn, with how she is, fits in with my paranoid, confirmation-bias fueled view; that everyone secretly looks down on one another and that mutual dislike triumphs over the entirety of society. Now admittedly there is one thing I could view as a flaw in the biography – that being the inclusion of the Mages’ Guild, which disbanded after the Oblivion Crisis, although I do not believe that the Synod and the College of Whispers jointly overtook every outpost of this former institution as omnipresent replacements, and thus I’m willing to believe that the Daggerfall Mages’ Guild is just an offshoot of the original one that’s an independent organization. Aside from this, the biography is solid and her upbringing is consistent with her personality. It is lacking in twists and simple in execution, but these are not bad things. Raelynn has my approval. [/quote] Thank you my friend! I can definitely alter her bio to reflect this. My TES knowledge is not fully top notch so I'll admit I went on a limb with that one! Appreciate your thoughts on my character. I'm really looking forward to writing her. Also, yes. She's very haute couture.