[quote=@Hank] 6. Raelynn Hawkford, [@Stormflyx] No adventuring party is complete without a healer, eh? That's one of several reasons to accept Raelynn, but more important are reasons similar to what I wrote about Vensor; she's believably flawed. Her pampered upbringing and snooty nature lend themselves perfectly for suffering in the [i]tragic[/i] conditions the party will undoubtedly find themselves in underground and I like how she's superficially sweet but secretly shrewd and a tad greedy. It's a refreshing change of pace from healers that do so out of a poorly-motivated sense of altruism and benevolence. Her temper is also a nice counterpoint to Hector's patience. All in all, I think she'll make a great addition to the party and I look forward to reading about her antics with the group. [/quote] Thank you for my critique, and for accepting me into the RP. It was 6:30am when I read it and I thought I hadn't made it until Ink gave me a nudge.. >///> I'm really looking forward to this RP! Your first post gave me a lot to think about with my character - which is why I went in and added a little tid-bit in her Bio about her fear of fire and flames which I think will be an interesting little quirk....