A hissing laugh came as Aiv made his rambunctious challenge, the shambling mass now stepping forward close enough to see them in the dim glow. The pale lights were sourced from candle-lit lanterns, mossy and creaking from centuries accumulated rust. Somehow the age-worn receptacles remained alight all these years, the half-burnt wicks burning mysteriously. Beneath the same lanterns were small bowls, releasing tufts of smoke that held incense of herbs noted earlier. Those who bore the lights were a small number of blackened husks of men and women, dressed in olden garb of dusty ceremonial hats and tattering fluttering cloaks. The designs, much like the temple around them seemed to have faded long, long ago. From a quick glance, there were only about a handful. They seemed to be leading the march, pushing and pointing with their light. Following these orders were even more questionable sorts, dozens whose skin appeared like twisted overgrown wood. Their gray dusters and tattered leather coats lay tattered across their forms, pinned by the spines that protruded from their torsos. Pointed hats lay on their warped heads. They dragged all manner of weapons and arms as they lurched forward, melded into their morphed arms, no doubt the cause of the uncomfortable scraping sound. One of them, the more 'human' of the mob opened his rotten mouth, which then dripping a black liquid. "Yes... Yes, perfect! Stay were you are...! You bear the mark, proclaimer... but what you mistake is which one of us is prey... we will recover the precious essence inside you, yes, much like the others..." [quote][@Rune_Alchemist] Just at that moment, Isabella's whip-like blade came flying through the chamber into the hall, the heavy mass almost screaming as it plunged into the thick of violence. It seemed alive, like a beast kept on a leash. The blade head dug deep into the stones along the wall, moving unpredictably in the arc, leaving her nearly tripping over as it over-reached to find a mark. [i]Thunk![/i] As she wished, though perhaps not what she wanted, it came across and cut one of the twisted forms right in half. The blade, however, then sunk deep into the opposing wall as a result of the over-zealous swing in the narrow space. Was that her own strength? No, it can't be. Questions aside, the mob didn't seem to care about the splattering of rock and grime, trudging on without halt. On the bright side, there was a small dent in the mob of ghoulish followers. Or so it seemed. One of the lantern holders stopped and whispered something, waving the light source over the corpse in a circular fashion. The small ritual seemed to cause the body to shiver and compel, groaning painfully as it shuddered back to life. The two forms reached out, morphing as new limbs burst forth from them, new withered limbs dragging the parts along, following the light-holder like some sort of warped hunting hound. "A pittance the Goddess chose you as her heralds... we are much stronger, more selfless... can't she see? Not YOU!" one of the holders snarled, practically spitting the black ooze as she threw a fit, "Have we not done enough!? No... haha... this is our chance, yes, of course. She must have sent them here to test our worthiness..." pointing a finger, "So it is. Kill the false vessels! KILL! KILL! Pry from their bodies the marks so that we may ascend back!" The black mob seemed to gain speed with the lashing words, the shambling masses now limping as they hurried forth. Black ooze dripped from their eyes and mouths, growling as they raised their bladed limbs in uproar. The dried-skinned preacher then reached for the embedded blade.[/quote] There was only a moment to act before the grisly hand would have it. That definitely wouldn't be good, considering Isabella was linked to the weapon. She would be a fish on a line, as it were. Isabella would be quite worn from her attack too, so making another swing to pull it free would be pushing her limits. She might not enough energy afterwards, maybe. This was also a chance for someone to assist her, if you can find the kindness in your heart. Troublesome as some of your peers were, sometimes it might not be their fault something goes astray. ...