"Yeah, it does." Em agreed. "Well, I miss pancakes," Joe said longingly, "and I miss Cara." "Cara?" Nina asked, looking over her shoulder with a frown. "Really? But I thought she dumped-" "She did not dump me. We were on a break." Joe was adamant. "Besides, even if she did dump me- which she didn't- I'm still allowed to miss her. I have no idea whether she's okay or not. She wasn't drafted when I was, so who know's if she's still working reception or working on the front." There was a moment of silence while we all took what Joe was saying in. There was no way of knowing whether the people we loved were even still alive. "Well, I'm sure you'll find her when we get home." Em said, clearly trying to stay positive. "You can remind her how much you love her and then you'll move far away from this war. Start a family, have two babies, maybe three, raise some chickens. You'll be fine." I smiled quietly to myself. It was an honest plan. A good plan. If I ever got the chance to leave this mess behind I'd take it in a heartbeat.