As Ally waited for the others, she finally got the nerve to put on her costume. She had done this many times, whether it be for a Halloween party or a super hero convention, but this time it was different. This time slightly layered Kevlar pressed against her skin as she dawned her deep red, spandex costume. This time metal rings wrapped around her fingers as she slipped on her black gloves. This time, her utility belt held zip-ties and real first aid kits. This time she wasn't going out to take pictures with other dressed up strangers. This time she was going to actually do something- she was going to actually protect people. Ally stepped out of her bedroom, clipping the utility belt around her waist as Zoey walked in. "Good, you're here," Ally greeted. "I wasn't sure if you were missing any of these," she said, gesturing to the various gadgets, belts and masks. Well, the gadgets weren't exactly gadgets, but zip-ties, cheap firework "smoke bombs," matches, and a couple miniature first-aid kits. "Get whatever you need, I have plenty to spare." Ally herself picked up a couple masks, placing one into her belt and the other on her face. They weren't expensive in any way and were simply plastic masks without any eye lenses for better visibility. Ally wished she could get something better, but this was still their first night. "Trip should be here soon, then we can figure out where to start," she told Zoey, "You can put your costu-... suit on in the bathroom."