Usually when Zombes posts, they ask me to write out what they see, and then if they want to relay their information, I also allow it in the same post. Speaking and such, when appropriate, goes along with any actions as a freebie. I hold no exclusivity of this, so anyone is free to ask me for information. Stopping to observe takes up the action, as it is not a 'casual' thing, same as making any sort of maneuver, or string of actions. Not to say one can't do both, act and observe or whatever combination, but keep in mind pacing and the limits of your characters. I can't have people doing like 10 things at once in a post when the character is supposed to be somewhat clumsy and physically weak, and will point such things out when I see them. In actuality, Dwyn is waiting a response from the cast, thus has to wait for others to post anyway. Your 'speaking' is taken as an action because it seemed more like a taunt than casual conversation and so I gave you a response in return. Your action will have other effects later on, as you will come to see. Really, the main reason I'm stopping you from posting again, is to allow others to get something in. And why I'm allowing Rune to go again, if they wanted, is because they have a consequence tied directly to them if they chose to act again. As much as it makes sense otherwise to allow you to do something, I have to keep in mind the other players. I don't want people to come back and have to act second to someone when their characters have yet to do anything at all. We just have to be patient here, sorry. ...