I hope this is enough. I can't credit my image because it is from Full Metal Panic. [hider=Shin] [color=00aeef][h1]Shin[/h1][/color] [img]https://myanimelist.cdn-dena.com/images/characters/9/139801.jpg[/img] [hr][color=00aeef][h3]Age: 22 | Gender: Male | Sexuality: Heterosexual | [Element]Air Bender[/h3][/color][hr] [color=00aeef][b]Occupation[/b][/color] Metalworks/blacksmith [color=00aeef][b]Place of Origin[/b][/color] Originated from Northern Air Temple, Lived in various cities before residing in Ba Sing Se [color=00aeef][b]Residence[/b][/color] Middle Ring [color=00aeef][b]Appearance[/b][/color] Shin is a rough individual covered in small scars, bruises, and callouses from his job, and strict training schedule. He typically wears light brown standard peasant clothes that are easy to move around in. A simple pair of pants, and a shirt is usually enough to placate him. Though he does tend to wear a small set of light leather armor if he knows he's going in a dangerous part of town just for the sake of protection. It consists of two arm guards, and a small chest piece. He tends to walk in a straight forward position, and doesn't often slouch. [color=00aeef][b]Personality[/b][/color] Shin is a simple man with very few things that could be said for, and or against him. He is a person who values his own freedom, and choice to live the life he chooses to live. Though he lives with very few requirements he is adamantly focused on keeping them. Those requirements being a simple house, food, and a job to keep him busy. He is usually a calm individual who is neither quick to anger, or passionate emotion in general. Though he heavily disapproves of the Earth Kingdom monarchy he sees it as preferable to the life of a fire nation slave. He tends to heavily hate people who force their ways on others, and often is one of the first to put down people who think that way, and try to act on doing so. He sees such people as brutes who squash the individual for the sake of the masses, or even just to placate their own distorted desires. He sees the Dai Li as protectors who would violate those rights and doesn't fear them so much as he tolerates their presence because he can't change them being there. He hates the Earth King for being a simple figure head instead of an actual force behind the throne. Shin himself is also willing to use dirty tricks if it means he can win a fight for a better good. Sometimes the methods used justified the means. Shin doesn't enjoy fighting but views it as a means to an end. He has no strong opinion on fighting if it solves an issue that needs to be addressed but he doesn't enjoy mindless combat. Shin has found peace in his life, and while this is true he does have certain flaws. He can be rather blunt to others, and refuses to not tell the truth that way he sees it. He doesn't like to admit he is wrong however if given evidence he can't refute he will back down. He is known for having the fatal flaw of being fickle. He is all too willing, and able to abandon a lost cause, or a person who has disrespected him greatly. If someone has acted in a way he sees as ill suited to others, and or himself he straight up would leave them for dead since they have not only disrespected themselves but the people around them as well. He has a reverence for the spirits but he believes them to be unnatural to the world they live in and strongly believes that they should remain separated from humanity. Some may call him a stoic heartless young man, others would simply claim he is trying to live his life without interruptions. [color=00aeef][b]Likes and Dislikes[/b][/color] At least three of each. Consider more than just likes 'good things' and dislikes 'bad things'. [indent]• [color=95cb4f]Freedom[/color] • [color=95cb4f]Honesty[/color] • [color=95cb4f]Respectfulness[/color] • [color=c84040]Pointless Murder[/color] • [color=c84040]Royalty/nobility[/color] • [color=c84040]Self indulgence[/color][/indent] [color=D49817][b]Skills[/b][/color] Air Bending - Shin is a talented Airbender he is no master but he is a qualified fighters. He practices his moves and talents frequently in private. As opposed to normal airbender tactics of hit, and run and using the opponent's momentum against them Shin is more of a hard hitter. Shin uses quick dodges, and parries followed up by feints, and attacks towards the feet, and arms of the opponents to off balance them or set them up for a powerful blast of air. He is willing to use strong air blasts to break bones if necessary. Still he has trained in classical air bending techniques on order of his mother, and father. Minor Martial Arts - Shin has learnt some minor martial arts that he uses alongside his air bending. It is nothing major it is used to disarm, disable, and compliment his bending prowess. It is a fall back in case his air bending is ill suited, or fails to do the job. He also practices with swords, and other weapons and has a proficiency in wielding them though he doesn't like to. This extends to Shin's endurance as his training has turned him into a hearty fellow. Minor Medical Training - Black smithing is a dangerous job and as such Shin can treat minor burns, and cuts as need be. He is not a natural healers and others with actual training would be much better at him however in case of injuries Shin can cope with being hurt better than some people. [color=00aeef][b]History[/b][/color] Born to a set of former Air Nomads his parents were considered to be extremists by the elders of the northern air temple and left due to being considered as such. Shin grew up in a small town initially and his parents did their best to raise him while keeping up jobs as farmers, and or workers. Shin didn't have a stable family life as his parents weren't around much and he was left to his own accords. When he was still little more than a boy he moved closer, and closer to Ba Sing Se. His life was full of minor joys, and he never really grew attached to anything believing nothing ever stayed and was destined to leave him. His parents however for their part did teach him to the best of their ability in the ways of airbending. While his father hated the concept of working for bosses, and preferred his life as a nomad over his life as farmer he never complained and did the jobs he got with stride. His mother simply helped his father, or kept the houses they lived in in shape. Shin had a talent for air bending and used this talent to help his parents, and in turn they helped him become a stronger air bender as he approached the age of 10. When his parents afforded it they bought a small house in Ba Sing Se and moved there to open up a metal works shop as his father had been one among the air nomads before he left. This life suited them better after an initial period of unrest, and hard work. Growing up in an Earth Bender environment Shin was often left out because he was different which only solidified his view of others as fickle, and actually rather pathetic in their own way. Still he never truly got angry the more and more he thought about friendship the more and more he viewed it as a crutch. A nice crutch but one none the less. Shin took an apprenticeship with his father when he wasn't in school, and his father insisted on training him personally on his philosophy, and his art as an air bender. With no intents to work up to the higher escalons of Ba Sing Se Shin, his father, and his mother all simply lived a quiet life which was promptly ruined when the fire nation not only exterminated the air nomads, or attempted to, and then declared war on Ba Sing Se. Suddenly Shin was making knives, and swords for the soldiers instead of nails, and doorknobs for the elderly, and normal folks of the city. Shin used this as a chance to learn martial arts from his neighbor Fei who was an ex-soldier. He wasn't a particularly good fighter in terms of hand to hand skills but he was passable. As war approached the city he wondered if life would ever be simple again as people may try to kill him just for simply being an air bender. He grew to distrust government people, and his disgust for corrupt government officials using the war as a way to increase taxes, and hurt the average person. He also hated the fire nations brutality killing off so many people for unknown reasons to Shin. Wanting to a simple life to come back to Shin simply intends to do his best to restore what medium of peace he can to his life. [color=00aeef][b]Ambitions[/b][/color] Shin's ambitions are few and far between. His short term is to return Ba Sing Se to a state of normality. A long term goal is to leave the city for a town more suited for one who is quiet, and wants to live a simple life. [color=00aeef][b]Other[/b][/color] None [/hider]