[b]November 30th, 2019 5:37 PM, PT Satomi Towers, Coast City[/b] [@Korkoa] [hr][center][h3][color=#22ff00][u]Echo[/u][/color][/h3][/center] Jessie’s response was mystifying, in more ways than one. She was coming over? [i]Now?[/i] He’d dribbled ectoplasm all over his room! Glowing green ectoplasm that was synonymous with alien blood and was going to be even more of a pain to get out than normal blood! His clothes were stained too, not to mention the three small bullet holes and the massive one where the energy weapon had hit him dead over his chest. The miscellaneous paraphernalia around his room were sure to implicate something; bits and pieces of unfinished tech, annotated star maps, the secret edition of Addison Aurelia’s journal, who had surreptitiously been an alien, and was a member of the Actor Activists. But he couldn't tell her no, that'd be more suspicious than he could afford. He grabbed a handful of tech bits, a converter, some tiny glowing wires, and then intangible fell through the floor and towards his room. His tactic at discouraging her visit had only seemed to incite her interest more if she was being active at this time of day. So fine, if she wanted to bring him cheesy macaronis or whatever it was, then sure, but he only had time to clear himself up, not his whole apartment, so she'd have to stick by what she said and not come in. [i]Okay[/i], he sent her via text, and then a [i]Thanks[/i] because she was doing it out of concern and friendship and didn't realize this course of action was only going to stress him out. [hr] [b]November 27th, 2019 1:30 PM, ET GCU Library, Gotham[/b] [@The Whacko] [hr][center][h3][color=#ff4fcb][u]Hex[/u][/color][/h3][/center] It took a moment to sink in that the creature was actually dead, and the newly post-reanimated state of the formerly casualties of the night’s events, but once he did, realizing he was relatively safe, Tommy rolled onto his back and let himself rest for a moment, arms splayed out and a breathless sigh of relief leaving his lips. The demon’s parting words were… something to consider later, for now he just needed to catch his breath, and maybe ten pounds of coffee. Funny how demons managed to prove their worth and their impracticality all at once; apparently they had valuable information, but they were also massive dickwads who did things like kill people horribly. He managed to sit up slightly, propped up by his elbows, so he could look over and check on his dad. It hadn’t immediately occurred to him he could be hurt, he was like… the most badass of modern wizards, the chances of the man failing? Psht, [i]unlikely[/i]. After making sure his dad was still in one piece and not missing an arm or something worrying like that, Tommy directed a thumbs up sign at him, a slight exhausted smirk on his face. Even if he hadn’t been the one to deal the killing blow as he’d wanted to be, he’d survived combat with a demon. Though admittedly it might have been a near thing if his Anodite form hadn’t restored him- however that worked.