[quote] The power to communicate efficiently with trees. [/quote] For the rest of my life, I travel to forests all over the world developing a system of communication with plant life that capitalizes on all of the ways that I communicate with trees. I serve as a translator to great minds among tree kind, slowly circulating stories and poems and the histories of prominent trees from various regions so that humankind can slowly acclimate to the idea that trees are sentient and able to communicate with us--want to communicate with us. The concept is so novel that a sort of religious society forms around the idea that communication and cooperation with not just nature, but Trees, the caretakers of oxygen, is the key to human salvation. By the end of the 23rd century, the legacy I leave will have culminated in the creation of living space ships thanks to the collaboration between the scientific community of humans and the intrinsic understanding of vegetable matter's limitations and strengths in space. Humanity cleaves deeply into recycling plastics largely to develop paperless record keeping methods and the focus on rewriting humanity's archives, a new bio-degradable plastic is discovered that also allows the prolific cultivation of bacteria in nature that can consume more non-degradable plastics. --- You can determine the exact elemental composition of anything you can apply your tongue to by taste. i.e. you have True Taste, the mythical, oral counterpart to the non-superpower of perfect pitch.