[center] [hr][hr][h1][b][i]Ayita Dyrkin and Damon Fawkes Collab[/i][/b][/h1] It was the day after the mission. The mission that had gone quite a bit wrong and Damon found himself a bit annoyed about how it had gone. What if he had gotten there sooner? would that have actually helped or would it still have reulted in a failure. Damon was not sure on that end and with annoyed thoughts made his way toward the training area. As he walked he thought through how it went for the millionth time and then changed course. He should check on the two injuried. Or at least Ayita considering Oshea was probably in worse shape and disturbing the speedster would probably mean talking to the guy. He internally cringed at that. Not that he hated Oshea...there was just way too much energy there for him. Damon made his way towhere the injured were kept and started the hunt for the shapeshifter. One of the few he could actually stay in a room with and not feel himself die inside. A headache, injured leg, and a hatred for crates. That all that had come from that fight, well aside from nearly finishing off the Scarlett Witch. There was a forlorn sigh at that. Experience had taught her not to leave a able enemy, they attacked from behind and that was never a good thing. But Marygold had knocked her unconcious, a blessing that had reigned in the wolf instincts that had called for the life blood of the woman. A book under one arm she fled the infirmery. A place that smelled ghastly to her senses. Propping open with one hand she flipped with the other, studying the bone structures and the muscle patterns of the great cats. If she had had claws, if she had been faster. Stronger. Ifs, they were deadly things you could ask yourself all day long. Better to correct them so they were not if but when and then. Dodging about a figure in her way, she paused slightly to the side as she blinked owlishly at Damon. Talk about timing. Now just to remember how to speak and not offer up a insult about humanity in way of- [color=ForestGreen] "Thanks. For sending the spider." [/color] Or just to be blunt. Yes, blunt worked well. Damon blinked as Ayita dodged him. Did he find her or she find him? He wasn't sure on that one, but either way goal completed. He gave a nod and decided actual speaking was required here instead of being the virtual mute he had a habit of being outside of missions. [color=orange]"Of course. How are you by the way?"[/color] He could clearly see she was walking around, but still. The question had a bit of value to him because well...Ayita was the closest one power wise to him. So he couldn't help but feel a bit of familiarity toward her. That and she didn't push him, but that was a whole different can of worms. Ayita blinked. How was she? She hadn't thought about that question in a while. With Allison generally a small smile or a shrug was enough and the eccentric girl was off on a tangent. Endearing, and leaving Ayita with little or no conversation needed. A welcomed fact. Though she was unconciously raising a brow at Damon for the odd question looking slightly confused. [color=ForestGreen] "I'll heal. I always do."[/color] She looked down at her leg with what could equate to a look of sheer annoyance. [color=ForestGreen] "Til then... I'm going to limp. If I had claws, that wich would have a good deal less of her hide." [/color] Never mind she was suppose to be using it lightly. Ayita had injuries before and light use? Wasn't a thing when you needed to hunt for supper. Her lip curled as her eyes flashed with more than annoyance. She wouldn't hesitate agian. Turning her head away slightly she let out the tense breath. [color=ForestGreen]"Sorry."[/color] He shouldn't have seen that. In fact if he was smart he'd head off. She wasn't one to mess with. The confused face was confirmation for damon that he really really did not interact much at all. He gave a nod and wondered breifly if she should even be walking on the leg yet. Though voicing that opnion would probably get him killed...or something. He found his brow raising at her next comment and his arms crossed over his chest. He didn't comment on that one, but he knew the feeling. While other people may have been taken aback by the flash of annoyance paired with a lip curl, damon didnt seem to react. He simply gave a shrug. [color=orange]"Don't be."[/color] He then paused and pressed his chest somewhat as the tattoo wolves pressed against his skin. They seemed to want to hop out and do their own thing, but he did not feel like letting them loose at the moment. [color=orange]"I didn't even get to fight."[/color] As in, he understood the annoyance. She shrugged, [color=ForestGreen]"Wasn't much of a fight. More a mad scramble of trying to contain them from what I've gathered."[/color] Tilting her head as he pressed his chest she frowned, amber eyes narrowing. [color=ForestGreen] "Do they not hurt when they come out? I won't ask about them going in."[/color] The shifter gave a rare chuckle.[color=ForestGreen] "A thousand needles pricking skin? I've no wish for that over hours."[/color] Shifting the book, she scanned the page and joints of the great tiger she was currently studied. It was odd how much she was talking but he was easy to talk to at the moment anyways and there was the tempiditure of a idea swarming at the back of her mind. Her eyes snapped to his tattoos again. [color=ForestGreen] "Think you can hold a bear with those?" [/color] There was a gleam as that idea was coming to the fore. Damon gave a bit of a smile at the comment, but it still bothered him that he just played the role of battle nurse. He had wanted to help more in the fighting side. He raised a brow. [color=orange]"It used to hurt a lot more, but now it just feels a bit weird. Like my skin is stretching out"[/color] He gave a shrug. [color=orange]"The needle pricking feeling is more when they die....and when they go back in"[/color] He had caught the chuckle and gave a head shake. His eyes flicked toward the book she was reading then found himself blinking. [color=orange]"A bear?"[/color] His hand went to his chin as he thought about it. [color=orange]"I think i could yes. Why?[/color] That gleam in her eyes was concerning him a bit...part of him wondered if it was a good idea to answer that question. Too late now. The answering grin was nothing less than feral. It was a small smile, and quickly gone. [color=ForestGreen]"How about a slight bargain? Keep me from going feral." [/color] Ayita cringed mentally. She hated asking people for favors, for help. The only one you could rely on was yourself. It was a lesson hard learned but learned well. She grimanced at the thought of what was worse however. Hunters, hurting others and being unable to stop it. Oh, she had done the latter and been target of the former. Her ear was proof enough. [color=ForestGreen] "I'm going to be shifitng, don't want to eat someone. I don't like asking."[/color] She stated roughly, shrugging slightly. Already she was beginning to walk down the hall and away. Damon raised his brow and recrossed his arms. He knew she was of the type that hated asking for favors. He could tell just by how she was asking. He was still taken off guard by the request though and took a moment for his thoughts to function again. In time for the next part of the request. He watched her leave for a moment before catching up with her. [color=orange]"Okay, but that means when you shift i have to be there."[/color] He knew she would probably not be thrilled about that. [color=orange]"That way I know where you are when you change"[/color] It sounded logical to him. Though technically he didn't have to be there in person. He could just leave a tattoo there, but that meant he might not make it there in time if she did go feral and one tattoo was probably not good enough if she was talking bears. Ayita blinked as he caught up, honestly she hadn't expected an agreement. [color=ForestGreen] "Agreed, and don't worry about bears. I know them well enough from Alaska, I shouldn't go feral with them." [/color] She gave the man the even rarer honest smile, as she teased him lightly with the ferocious form. She knew how bears acted. Their muscles and bones however, were a tad hazy for her. Finding one dead had been rare when she had run on her own, Killing one? A impossiblity. [color=ForestGreen]"And you're wolves should be able to find where I am easily enough, if you get time." [/color] Damon shook his head and gave what could be considered a chuckle from him. [color=orange]"Somehow i dont feel reassured, but okay"[/color] He did not want to deal with a bear. He really did not want to, but something told him possibly later he would be dealing with an ayita bear. Hopefully she would warn him first. He gave a nod. [color=orange]"Okay. I wont bring my bow and arrows."[/color] As in he would make sure not to horribly injure her. Though, the wolves probably would not be the main trio he used. After all, he did have a panther on him...and it felt like it wanted out just as badly as the rest of them. A month later, a very peeved tiger was glaring up the tree and trying to claw her way up to the interesting man who was up the said tree. The cold didn't bother her overly much, nor did it impede her as she paced. Giving a chuff, she reared up to claw at the trunk, long marks left from those wicked weapons. A full grown tigress, she chuffed again in amusement. Pacing as she stared up at the two-leg in the tree. Damon ran behind the sleek form of a panther. Concern was written all over his features as he went. He really hoped ayita did not do something she would regret. The panther stopped and Damon skidded to a halt behind it. It looked up at him and flicked its rounded ears as if asking him 'now what'. He watched the tigress pace and shook his head. [color=orange]"Try to get her away from there"[/color] His voice was barely audible, but the panther seemed to hear him. It trotted out and nudged Ayita before tilting its head. Damon stayed back with his shirt now in his hands as he prepared to send out one of the other tattoos to help the panther. Ayita flicked her ears at the panther, forgetting the man. Chuffing at the black cat, she swatted at it with one giant paw. This form had so completely eclisped her it was like a warm blanket about her soul and heart. If she had ever believe in such things. The paws so large, the land was molded beneath them. Already she sensed the beasts in the woods tremble in fear when she walked amongst the trees. Leaping away from the panther with a large bound, she knew she must follow her tracks back. This was beyond her territory and she was not where she should be. The little voice inside said so and told the tigress to return. To not be so swift. So she paced into the brush, chuffing as she listed to the voice, she was full and needed little so there was no reason not to. The panther swatted playfully back and let out a chirp. The cat flicked its ears before bounding after Ayita leaving damon to follow as silently as possible while trying not to think about how exposed his upper body was at the moment. Once he realized where ayita was going a bit of relief flowed over him. She was headed back...that was good...the hard part would be trying to get her to change back. As the panther followed the tiger it would occasionally chirp at her. As if it was encouraging her. Her steps slowed as she churred, tiredly. Nuzzling the panther, Ayita chuffed again. Slowly she was coming to herself. The instincts were held tightly, though they wanted to play. Her agreement only aided in gripping them. Slowly she forced her pace to steady and herself to turn back. Approaching Damon slowly, she chuffed in agreement. He wasn't to eat, her hold tightened on the instincts as she warily approached. Giving the odd grin she could in this form she pressed a snowy nose into his arm, purring slightly. She was in control, a good bit in control. To control this form fully would take a good while. The large cat's instincts were strong. The panther gave another chirp that sounded approving. It followed her a bit as she moved as if to make sure the tiger didn't do anything to its host. Damon however, watched her approach and straighted more. He smiled back at the tiger smile then managed to not flinch at the cold nose pressed against his arm. But, by the air that was suddenly sucked in it was clear that there was an affect. He motioned for her to go ahead of him. [color=orange]"Go on, ill follow"[/color] The tiger gave a chuff and continued leading the way back through the forest. Far to easily for it to be a average beast. After several minutes the Mansion came into veiw as bones cracked and snapped. Blood speckled the snow as Ayita appeared. Face flushed and gleeful, as she leaned heavily against a tree. Her control had nearly been lost agian, rather than lose it, she had shifted back. A tired tiger wasn't somethign that anyone should deal with. Three hundred pounds of dead weight and bad temper. Damon pulled his shirt back on as he walked into her view, the panther padding beside him. [color=orange]"Thanks for not eating me"[/color] He seemed more comfortable with teasing her now. Especially now that she wasn't a large tiger that could easily take him out when he had no weapons on him. He leaned against a different side of the tree. [color=orange]"you okay?"[/color] He knew shifting hurt her and seemed to ask after almost every shift she did. [color=ForestGreen]"No worse than any other. We ought to get back." [/color] She gave him a small smile, staggering towards the school. He was a odd one, actually asking that question constantly. She didn't mind, it was actually nice to hear someone was a little bit worried. If only a little bit. Damon nodded and pushed off the tree before following her back. As he walked he pulled up his shirt enough for the panther to jump back into his skin.Maybe he wasn't so terrible at this social thing after all. [/center]