[h2][color=8dc73f]Kyoka Haizenberuku[/color][/h2] Had it not been for her dear cousin, Kyoka would have remained in Iwagakure further establishing a mediocre life, cycling between the honest services for people and the more unethical service for those same people. In a way, that was the way it was meant to be for a Haizenberuku. Nobody in the family had ever aspired to be anything more than a drug peddler because there wasn't anything else they could be. It had been a tradition for Haizen's to flunk out of school due to stupidity, bad behavior or just straight laziness. The family would always take them back though as many hands made for lighter work but in a twisted sort of way, the family was tight, bonding over the putrid chemical smells of experiments. Kyoka was an anomaly, an unintended product from the family. She had a surprising brilliance, or at least a fast learner, that helped her through school even scoring rather high among her classmates. So when news eventually reached her nomadic family, they celebrated and even though the Haizenberukus celebrate even the most trivial of events, they really went all out for Kyoka's graduation to Chuunin. As far as she knew, she was one of four in the family's history to have made it to Chuunin rank. None had ever made it Jonin as all previous Haizens quit to relapse back into the family business which meant Kyoka's move to try the Jonin test was unprecedented, and of course, celebrated. Slightly hunched in a slightly nervous posture, Kyoka was virtually her cousin, Rumia's, shadow. Compared to her cousin, Kyoka looked a bit more serious in her attire but she still looked wildly out of place. A large white coat was practically hiding the small framed Kyoka underneath with its ragged coattails dragging behind and its white hood flipped up, covering Kyoka's head. The coat was open revealing what was Kyoka's original Chuunin outfit, a navy blue vest with a lighter blue stripe running down the center. A hint of a hazard green, peaking just above the collar of the vest was a turtlenecked sweater that had its sleeves running down to Kyoka's hands where her fingers her poking out of holes from the size-too-large sweater. The sweater was so large that it concealed the Chuunin's waist but the black leggings Kyoka was wearing covered her from the waist all the way down to her shins where the leggings vanished underneath the navy blue boots that had seen better days. Tying Kyoka's outfit all into one package was her belt that had several pockets, strapped ceramic cylinders, dangling equipment, and most importantly, her headband with the sigil of the Hidden Rock Village dangled freely on her left hip. If Kyoka was going for anything, she definitely had the mad scientist thing going for her, missing only the goggles to conceal those mad catlike eyes. Seeing another Hidden Village was sort of historic for Kyoka's family as they usually never drifted too far from their paying customers. The whole village was likely a huge cultural experience and Kyoka was taking in the new sights but not quite of the sights of the usual tourist. Her shifty catlike eyes darted from native to native, sizing each individual up. Eyes only lingering for as long as Kyoka's mind and anatomy entertained quick fantasies concerning only the lewdest of encounters. Nobody was spared in sight. The fat, the old, the young, the sickly, and even the cripple, all were interesting specimens that each provided their own unique twist in Kyoka's mind. The excitement of these new people was working Kyoka up into a hushed heat. Her cheeks flushed red and her mouth salivated that if Kyoka had lost focus long enough, she'd drool. Her body wiggled every once and while with a fresh, unexpected thought that would push a muffled giggle from the giddy girl's lips. Just how wild could the people of Konoha get? Kyoka hoped they wouldn't disappoint. Arrival to the stadium had prompted a change that Kyoka had expected. Her beloved cousin ran off to seek her own sin and rather than follow, Kyoka decided to let herself cool off slightly from all the internal excitement and alcohol would only accelerate Kyoka to her climax and it was too early for that. Given a moment of peace, Kyoka relaxed just enough to notice her cousin return just in time for the two of them to notice that sweet little angel, gleam with her grand entrance. [color=8dc73f]"Ain't she just darlin', cuz! I reckon we be polite and introduce ourselves. Imma Kyoka dis'ya here, my cuuzin Rumia!"[/color] Kyoka licked her lips lustfully as her cheeks reddened in a blush. Kyoka had a fairly similar accent to her cousin, as it turned out. Kyoka didn't get herself worked up for long as a new arrival showed up asking her dear cousin to remove her one vice. That was unspeakable and even though Kyoka found herself melting before this hunk of a man, she had to defend her cousin. [color=8dc73f]"Formal composure, nuuttin, dis here my cuuzin and she can do whatever the likes she wants!"[/color] Kyoka said definitely, stepping toward the man and for a moment appearing tense out of defense before her shoulders dropped and a smile cracked on her face. [color=8dc73f]"Don't suppose you ain't the type for a little rump in da hay?! I'da' love to break that little boy scout in ya, whadda say hun?"[/color] Kyoka said with a lustful glare from under her hood, reaching forward to stroke the man's arm softly.