[hider=Not your average doggo][url=http://i.imgur.com/397AmGd.png][h3]Ahrim Mustalph[/h3][/url] [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Psi-Wolf [b]Class:[/b] Pack Leader [b]Appearance:[/b] Resembling a canine, Ahrim’s new form is substantially larger than any wolf from modern Earth. About 1.3m at the shoulders and 2m from base of tail to head, he is quite heavy at nearly 350lbs. The fur on his back and lower body is rather smooth and pleasant to the touch, if a bit messy. The three flaps that extend from his head normally lay flat against him, but move freely when the tendrils are projected. His tail is quite long, extending over 2m in length, and is both dexterous and strong enough to hold things fairly easily. [b]Notable Traits:[/b] His entire appearance is basically impossible to miss. Three orange tendrils can extend from the three flaps on his shoulders and back, and drift behind him until directed. The numerous eye-like pieces that adorn various parts of his body also blink at random, though they don’t seem to be functional for providing sight. [b]Belongings:[/b] Nothing really. [b]Abilities:[/b] Ahrim seems to have a very limited access to a specialized school of summoning magic. At the moment he can conjure up wispy forms of wolf-like creatures immediately around him. They bite and claw at enemies briefly before fading, allowing him a slight increase in melee effectiveness. In addition to that, he can form telepathic links with other people by tapping them with one of the three tendrils he can generate. While the range is not unlimited, it does allow him to act as a communication hub for up to three others. Supernatural abilities aside, he’s a decent blend of agile and strong, making him a rather decent combatant in close quarters even without his strange magic. While his ranged abilities are limited to flicking projectiles with his tail, Ahrim doesn’t seem to have much trouble aiming with those either. Beyond that, his new body is well suited for tracking and chasing down targets in all manners of terrain. His senses are odd though… sharper and dulled at the same time. They fade from his awareness when he doesn’t pay attention on them, and it’s most noticeable for his sense of smell. Makes falling asleep incredibly easy, but he’s also one of the heaviest and most unaware sleepers. [b]Personality: [/b]A thrill seeker, Ahrim has always been a rather boisterous and reckless person. Though he’s not particularly charismatic, he is the type to go first and lead through example. A very physically active person, he enjoys playing sports or going for a hike over spending an afternoon in a coffee shop. Not particularly introspective, he works surprisingly well with others that share a mindset of getting things done. He realizes he doesn’t like to think in terms of the big picture, and gladly allows others to take over that position, but chaffs easily under meticulous planning and strategy. Keep things simple for him, and he’ll find a way to make things work; he doesn’t need or care to hear extraneous details. Adapting to his new shape has been… rather tasking for Ahrim. He’s always been rather sure-footed, but that was with two legs and no tail to worry about. It doesn’t seem to bother him in combat, but when walking around in the city, he’s a bit clumsy. It’s also a bit disconcerting for him to not be able to make facial expressions or gestures with his hands, so he can come off as stilted or a bit awkward when he speaks. The fact that he’s limited to telepathic speech does not help this in the slightest. [b]History:[/b] A fairly uninteresting story that’s probably fairly common, save the age at which it ended. He grew up in a middling household with parents that tried their best to make ends meet for him and his brother. He spent many afternoons running around the neighborhood with his friends, and grew up with a love for being outdoors and on the move. Throughout his school life, Ahrim participated heavily in track and field and consistently had a good showing. It didn’t cost much to practice, and he was blessed enough to hold some talent and physique in the activity. Putting in the effort to study and keep his academics somewhat decent allowed him to aim for a scholarship as well. Things were looking good. A scholarship in processing, strong showings at recent track meets, and a family that was proud of him. Ahrim couldn’t have asked for more. Which made the sudden diagnosis of brain cancer all the harder to accept. It didn’t advance particularly fast, but proved to be rather persistent and hard to treat. Whittling away at Ahrim’s health over the years until he was forced to remain in the hospital. It took most of that time for him to finally come to terms that his condition was most likely fatal, and it only took a few days in terminal care before he asked for the plug to be pulled. He could barely stay awake now, and there wasn’t any hope left in him. What little time he had left would probably on hurt his family. The sooner he passed on, the sooner they could start to move on. Or so he hoped. Ahrim wasn’t too sure if he was being punished when he next awoke. He had never been particularly religious, but why else would he have woken as a god damned beast?!? Well… that wasn’t entirely accurate, he could still remember the life he’d lived and his intelligence didn’t seem all that diminished either. Still… what the hell was he supposed to do now? [/hider] I figure I can expand the history to him meeting some friendly ranger or something if necessary,