Her statement about hot chocolate made him chuckle. “That’s fro when you return. I’m referring to the night time.” James stated softly as he opened the door to her room. “But you’ll just have to find out later.” With that he lead her out into the party. The party was already going with the people who were intermingling with each other. You’d be surprised at how many people showed up along with the young man’s parents as well. James left her to the amount of people as he was not her designated escort for the evening. And from there his duties for the party began. First step was in the kitchen, inside the kitchen he visited each of the staff members and served the cooking of each of the products. Before long he had removed his jacket, rolled up his sleeves and began prep work on some food. It wasn’t long before Adrian made his way into the kitchen and began looking over the food selection seeming to nod in satisfaction to the cooks and James alike. The little nod from Adrian told James that everything was going alright outside in the party. Soon James unrolled his sleeves and went to the main area carrying a tray of drinks. Being mindful that he was at work and she was playing a role he did his best not to be distracted by her presence. She was drawing a lot of attention and it should come as no surprise since she looked so beautiful and this was a party for her. A small sigh left him as he focused on his task. After making his rounds and nearly emptying his tray he spotted Alex. Stepping between Alex and Freya, “Drink?” Though surprised by the sudden offer, the young man took the drink and was interrupted by someone else. [color=pink]Annie had been stepping in between Alex and Freya many times throughout the night as she was working on the floor picking up after people and offering drinks. Annie was in charge of the floor making sure everyone was functioning smoothly and Adrian coordinated with her so that she never had to leave the room. Soon Annie had a tray of small sandwiches on her palm and Freya arrived to her. A smile moved across her face as she saw her friend. “Alex has been consistently distracted for the main portion of the night and the good thing is the party is almost over.” She said with a nod giving her friend a pat on the back. “You did a good job. Not sure what triggered you to be on top of it today; it’s almost like you have something to look forward to.” She said teasingly[/color] The night finally came to an end and everyone closed up the night with leaving Freya only to say good bye to the guests and was the only time the staff could not protect her from it. However they were smart enough to put him at the beginning of the line forcing him to hurry on his way so everyone else could say their good byes. Afterwards Annie escorted her back to her room and presented her with a cup of hot chocolate saying James made it before he had to help finish up; then helped her find out of her dress before leaving for the night. The evening crawled into the sky and it was roughly around 11:30pm when everyone had left and most of the staff had retired for the night. Then… then there was James. James moved through the garden quickly and smoothly avoiding any light and doing his best not to get caught. Stopping against the wall of the house he let out a deep breath and looked upwards. “Alright…” he said softly to himself as began to climb. Soon he was up on the second story and pulling himself on to her balcony. Reaching forward he gently tapped on her balcony door. Did she fall sleep already?