[quote=ImANargleHunter] See, I was told it would hardly hurt but then I ended up being in excruciating pain for two weeks. It may have been because they had to crack open my jawbone and take out a lot of bone, so maybe it'll be different for Squee.EDIT: Also my cheek swelled to the size of a baseball so LOOK FORWARD TO THAT SQUEE [/quote] I had to have part of my jaw removed for one of the teeth, too. (Impacted.) A rather unpleasant thought, of course, but I had no pain or swelling afterwards, and I was eating semi-solid foods again that very night. (Had the procedure done first thing in the morning. I had cream of wheat and things of that nature the first day, but I was eating regular solids again the next day.) Did you have a surgeon do yours or did you have it done at the dentist?