[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KBBwK0P.png[/img][/center] As son as the TEP incident was dealt with, Eos addressed those who were still in her presence, waiting for further orders. [color=f49ac2]"You can go now, if you wish. The incident has been contained without further damage. If there is something else you want of me, feel free to ask. Otherwise, your are relieved from offical duty until your next deployment,"[/color] she said to the Meido Twins, as well as Wolf and Endian. Right about this time, Eos was notified of the presence of another unit, asking for an audience with her. HR-513 would find out that, just as Eos informed Bonesword earlier, the passage ways of the palace were open for him. Any member of the Machina was allowed free passage through the public areas and this included the High Queen's audience chambers. If that wasn't enough to convince him that he was welcome to Eos' presence, the same security drone he talked to would reply by pointing him towards the massive doors that separated Eos's processing chambers from the corridor. The doors opened automatically. [color=f49ac2]"You can come in. What's it that you wish to of me?"[/color] the High Queen said, beckoning the Harvester. [hr] [@Awesomoman64][@Ryonara][@Lucius Cypher][@Spiffy]