[center][h1][color=39b54a]Daphne Pender[/color][/h1][/center] [hr][center]Location: The Docks[/center][hr] [color=39b54a]"Alright. Will do,"[/color] she called out to Atticus as he walked away from her. Now she was left alone, but she preferred that to Atticus' company. She still didn't really care for the man, but he still was in charge while everyone else was gone. Daphne was basically stuck in the cargo area of the ship, moving all the crates still. There were still a few of the crates, so she just moving them over, still curious as to what had happened while she was gone. The fact that her sister had quickly ran off with Foy was a curious thing. The fact that no one was really talking about it was even weirder, but she figured that she would find out later from someone. Daphne just kept doing what she was told, moving the crates around. She wondered what was going on still, but she knew that she was still in no position to ask, so she decided not to ask Atticus when he came back.