[quote=@Demon Shinobi] I think even if somebody wasn't accepted it would still be fun to discuss. Like Kazuo would probably butt heads with overly bossy people. I'm also kind of thinking of shifting his personality to describe him being a bit more snarky. Cause I like the idea. But it's toug for me to just list tropes/traits of a personality cause I'm never 100% sure how my characters will be at first. [/quote] I could definitely see our character's butting heads. lol! [quote=@Ebil Bunny] I like [@DangDude]'s character, Chihiro. She's kind of like the opposite of my character both personality and backstory-wise, which always makes for interesting stories :D [/quote] Aww, thanks! I like your character too! I could see an interesting dynamic between the two. XP [quote=@GodOfWar] Chihiro and Namie I can see being at odds [i]all the time[/i]. The bossiest of bossy women :lol EDIT: [@Inkarnate] I'm [b][i]really[/i][/b] excited to see how you designed the homeroom teacher, by the way. Knightmare is just the perfect name for an armored badass hero. [/quote] Oh man, prepare for so much sass. XD