Rolos train of thought was lost as he bumped into some random girl. He was so startled that he almost fell over backwards after he literally jumped in his boots. She then stammered out some kind of apology rather nervously. The girl looked like a total plain Jane to Rolo. She would be pretty enough for some guys he knew, no doubt, but redheads weren't his type. Her glasses did nothing for him either. Overall though, Rolo surmised, that if was desperate enough then maybe. [color=orange]"Whatever"[/color] said Rolo rather gruffly in response. But then he saw it. It looked kinda like a masked troll doll with short black hair. It seemed to be staring at him with a cold and empty expression. The like of which creeped Rolo out more than he liked to admit. For once, it was he that was intimidated by someone else. It looked kinda like a picture he once saw. A picture that brought back spooky memories of something mysterious yet sad. A picture of which escaped Rolos memory at the time. And so there he stood, staring at god knows what. Completely oblivious to the fact that Corinne was standing nearby. [hr] [color=gold]"I couldn't help but overhear your little disagreement. But it was obvious that you were all talking about me. So I felt that I just had to step in. Hopefully we can clear a few things up between us."[/color] Charles explained. [color=lime]"What the fuck are you doin here!?"[/color] asked Chet in agitation. [color=gold]"Watch that language, that's very unbecoming of a member of the New Royals."[/color] reprimanded Charles sarcastically. [color=lime]"Actually Charles good buddy. I'm glad you're here. Us fellas were meanin to have a little chat with you about somethin."[/color] said Chet with feigned levity. [color=gold]"That's quite a happy coincidence. There's something rather important that I wished to share with all of you."[/color] responded Charles with genuine levity. [color=lime]"Oh really!? Well that's too bad. From this moment on, we'll be the ones askin the questions. We'll be the ones makin all of the demands!"[/color] Chet announced confidently. [color=gold]"And what makes you think that? What gave you such a dumb idea?"[/color] asked Charles. He was beginning to enjoy himself. [color=lime]"We left a little surprise at your clubhouse. Or should I say, all over your clubhouse. For you see little Charlie, we're all really sick and tired of your shit, and we ain't gonna take it no more. So here's what's gonna happen. Either you give us ten million dollars and the deed to your little club or else we'll make a very interesting phone call to the cops. And even if you buy your way into a softer sentence, think of the blow it will be to your precious reputation."[/color] threatened Chet. Charles gave a short but derisive laugh before responding.[color=gold]"That's quite a story Chet. But there's one thing that you forgot to add. A very important detail that takes it to that explosive conclusion that we've all been waiting for. And that is that I knew all along. I knew about your secret little scheme Chet. A scheme so secret, that you had to keep from all these clowns. A secret that was too big for your little brain to handle, it seems."[/color] The entire crew of the Salt Bay Turbos were so stunned by the revelations that were revealed that they simply stood in silence. Not a word was uttered by anyone. [color=lime]"What the fuck?"[/color] was all that Chet could muster. It was the moment that Charles waited for. The moment that he patiently bided his time for. A moment that was so beyond satisfying to Charles, that nothing else could even possibly compare. It was the moment when the predator finally caught its prey. When the talons and the teeth sunk into flesh, killing the prey quickly yet mercilessly. Charles himself could barely stifle a bout of maniacal laughter. [color=gold]"Yes, I knew what you were doing all along. And you wanna know the something really interesting? Not only did I expect you to pull such a foolish and a rather amateurish little grift, I was hoping that you would. Why else would I leave myself vulnerable to the likes of you? You fools really thought that I would trust you all so easily? Not after what happened to the Old Royals I won't. Not in a million years.[/color] explained Charles with grandiosity. [color=lime]"But, how? How the fuck!?"[/color] asked Chet incredulously. [color=gold]"On Sunday I scoured my clubhouse and found some of your magic powder sprinkled here and there, as expected. Some of it well hidden enough and in large enough quantities so as to make it look like I was hoarding some myself. But you see, just like you, people follow the money. And so it wasn't long until I got a confession from my bartender about your little plan. So naturally he wanted to keep his job and not go to jail. And so he sang. He sang his little heart out."[/color] Charles explained further. He relished every moment. [color=lime]"That fucking snitch!"[/color] Chet exclaimed aloud. [color=violet]"What the fuck are you talking about!?"[/color] asked Switch. [color=turquoise]"Yeah, what the hell Chet?"[/color] asked Divo. [color=gold]"And that's not even the best part. No, the best part was when I followed your gigantic walrus up the mountain road that Saturday night. He led me right to the point where you hid your stash. He and trash girl simply wanted some alone time but little did he knew, it would cost him more than he bargained for. Where is he anyway? It's a shame that he isn't around to hear about how badly he screwed his own friends over.[/color] Charles explained with glee. [color=lime]"He went to Ghost Rock that night didn't he."[/color] said Chet with obvious anger in his voice. [color=gold]"Don't fault him too much Chet. Love makes one do crazy things."[/color] Charles said wistfully. [color=gold]"Anyway, back to the story. On this stash I found a vague note. The note didn't say much mind you, but it was the final piece of the puzzle. And so with your dubious history, the bartenders confession, the fat lardos stupidity, and that vague note on the stash, it's obvious to all that the onus of the magic powder no longer fell upon me, but instead, upon all of you. That means that I hold your collective balls in my hand. And if you all don't want to be tried as adults, then I suggest we cut all the bullshit of being equally in co-operation with each other and realise the truth. That I own you all now and there's nothing you can do about it. So cry all you like. I can hand your balls over to the police on a whim. So shut the fuck up and do what I say, or I will end you all."[/color] threatened Charles dramatically. Not a word was uttered by a soul, not a single one. [color=turquoise]"Shit."[/color] Divo whispered quietly to himself, yet again.