[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ccff]Nora Kingston[/color][/h1][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/28577c336232aad3fb697adc8afb5c1a/tumblr_inline_miycemBe1B1qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr][color=00ccff][b]Location[/b][/color]: the Museum [/center][hr][hr] Nora raised a bit of an eyebrow at the curator's comment. What other curious happenings had Neema gotten involved with before? For a moment, she imagined Neema getting involved with these sort of things every few years and writing diary accounts of them that would be published after her death. But Neema didn't seem to be the sort that would go looking for these events. It seemed much more likely that these happenings just tended to find Neema instead. [color=00ccff]"Neema, if you don't mind me asking...What sort of trouble have you gotten yourself into before?"[/color] Nora asked, after nodding and joining Neema in a walk towards the archives. They had managed to make it to the museum on time, yet Nora felt a little guilty over not being at Lady Munn's office promptly at noon. However, she hoped that the insights she had gained from her conversations with Neema would make up for the social misstep. And of course, Nora could not help but remind herself how silly it was to care so much about the etiquette of a society that wanted no part of her. It was illogical but she could not help it. It was the way she had been raised. Another bit of the curator's speech had caught her attention as well, of course. She could not help but wonder if clumsiness had become a requirement for Egyptologists, if Lady Munn's predecessor had a similar knack for it. It struck Nora as quite odd, given that Egyptologists handled priceless artifacts and clumsiness would put them at risk. But it was not her place to ask any questions on the subject and she had far more important matters to discuss with Lady Munn at any rate.