[h2][b]RULES:[/b][/h2] 1. All site rules apply. 2. What I say goes - I'm pretty flexible, so feel free to message me with any questions.  3. Be respectful of other users please. 4. No Godmodding 5. No killing/controlling others characters - unless previously discussed with user and agreed upon. 6. If you do not post within a week, I will assume you are gone/on hiatus, and we will move forward without your character. Of course you can tap back in, just message for a recap if you need one. Also, if you do need a break, lemme know! 7.  I understand this a demon RP - I am very flexible with things - but were not destroying Sanctuary unless I say so, no overtly village killing willed demons please. Message me with any questions on things you want to do/interested in doing - and maybe we can work something out. Tier 1 Demons currently off limits until I can set a stricter set of rules for them. [color=ed1c24][b]8.[/b] I will make a post at random, putting the village on Alert for a demon attack. This post will outline the whole attack, and [b]will[/b] disturb your characters current setting. UNLESS, you are away from the village. The post will describe the demons, how many, what is attacked/destroyed, duration, etc. After this, everyone will post what their character experienced, if you want to kill your character - message me, we can most definitely work that in to my post. Or you can kill your character off in your own post. These posts [b]must[/b] be acknowledged, and responded to - unless, again, your character is away from the village.[/color] 9. Please post a minimum of 1 paragraph - 5 sentences, for a post. Yes, you can post more. I actually [b]encourage[/b] it. Lets also say wait at least 2 posts before posting again. 10. Smut can be taken to PM's for all I care, keep it...PG18? With a pretty vague fade out in posts. Some people aren't cool with it, just respect others. 11. Have fun dudes&dudettes, message me with any questions please - I'm pretty open to stuff. This storyline I hope will be ever changing, the Sanctuary ever growing, and maybe more notable communities later on arising. I tried to be as vaguely detailed as possible, allowing y'all to use your imagination with certain things. [i][b]Please post in OOC first, once accepted please post again in IC.[/b][/i] ------------------------------------------ [b]Character Sheet[/b]: [b]Name -[/b] [b]Age -[/b] (halfbreeds cannot be older than 200 years old - are immortal till decapitated/heart is destroyed) [b]Breed -[/b] Human/HalfBreed (Tier 1 demons not playable at the moment, can be Tier 3 but you're essentially an animal that'll probably be killed quickly) [b]Occupation- [/b] (Gardener/Hunter/Barkeep/Bar Owner/Shop Owner/Guardian/Guard/Kitchen Staff/Blacksmith/Farmer/Stable Worker/Vagabond/etc) [b]Residence-[/b] (Inner Moutain, Fora, Nefnast, Vagabond, Outpost) [b]Pic/Description of Character -[/b] (preferred pic as well so I can use for updating character lists) [b]Personality -[/b] [b]Bio-[/b] [b]Misc-[/b] [b]Powers - [/b](Halfbreed limit 2, not for humans). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [h3]Allowing currently 2 characters per user, but [b]must[/b] be a human + halfbreed, to ensure an even distribution between the breeds for now. Subject to change later.[/h3]