[center][H1][B]<>[/B][/H1][/center] [center][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-L4ELfewsIxU/T5UoeJWMHMI/AAAAAAAAAUo/7sJBU-fOTRA/s640/hairs_nf_sm.jpg[/img] [I]September 23rd, 2030, is when the attack happened....[/I][/center] [indent] At Approx 1626 EST, a giant swirling lightning filled black portal opened up above every Continent. Each one reporting in the same Phenomenon, mere minutes after each other. At 1943 EST, the portals slowly began to produce beings. Demons. They came in different shapes, and sizes - grotesque beings. Some spit acid, others tore humans apart with their claws, the more people screamed the crazier they went it seemed. They filled each country, and state - mutilating all humans. In a matter of 2 hours, 70% of the worlds population had been wiped out. Cities, and towns were destroyed all over the world. The portal disappeared, leaving behind plenty of demons with its closing. Humanity fell that day, many of the survivors screamed at God - begging, asking why this horror would find its way to Earth. Other survivors accepted it, and evolved with the new desolate world. Throughout the years, times have been very rough on humanity. Demons still ruled the earth, scavenging on the survivors they could find. Now it was like a game with the population dwindling even further as every day, week, and month passed. It is now 200 years later, and Humanity seems to be rising again. Around 100 years ago, there was an established Civilization that rose and began to prosper - Sanctuary. Around the time of its rise, there was a rise of a demon-fighting Vanguard, the Guardians. They set up establishments to the North, East, West, and South of Sanctuary. What began as mere hundreds of people in between the rise of Sanctuary, and the Guardians has now risen to thousands between the two. Sanctuary itself houses over 1000 human survivors, and over 300 in its outer village as of today. Some colonists have gotten brave with time and moved outside the Village walls - establishing their own settlements/tribes mere miles from Sanctuary. All doing trades, and cohabitating with each other in this new world. With human numbers increasing, this has been seen as the 'Rise of Humanity,' and many are wanting to continue fighting to destroy every trace of demons. And with attacks frequenting on the Mountain Village, its a good thing this Rise is influencing many of the villagers.  Sanctuary operates from a King, King Dominick, who has so far been chosen based off of Lineage - the first King, King Gerard Nouvelle was his Grandfather, and his father King Marcus - who died an early death as he went to battle protecting the Outer Village from immense demonic attack. It was during King Marcus's reign that a new era started, and that era was the bonding, and cohabitating of Halfbreed Demons, and Humans. He started a very small settlement for halfbreeds before his death, believing that humans and halfbreeds could work together and live in harmony. He also knew that these halfbreeds possessed powers, and it was better to be on their good side. After his death, King Dominick took reign at Age 19, which many weren't happy with the youngster taking the crown so soon. But he has carried on his fathers legacy, upheld his morals, and has made Sanctuary a much most bustling place in the past 41 years of his reign.  Since it has been 200 years since the fall of the 'Modern World,' humanity took a giant step back technologically. And has reverted back to a Medieval era of living, no electricity to be found, No A/C to keep you cool. But this is all normal to those who have been born in the past 200 years to this Apocalyptic way of life. Though now, there have been small breakthroughs as literature is being discovered advancing the movement and basic electronics are being worked on to hopefully expand humans way of life. In Sanctuary, you are expected to contribute to the whole by being given a job. Some Villagers are born into jobs from business' their parents own. After schooling, which ends around age 12, others are placed in jobs chosen by the King and his Advisors. But at age 10, everyone is evaluated to see if they are fit to be apart of the Guardians. Those who are chosen, are sent away immediately. You can volunteer for the Guardians around age 16 again, but you will be reevaluated by different standards set by the King. Sanctuary is a very interesting place, which could be seen as something out of a futuristic novel. Halfbreeds roam the streets, and work among us - many villagers don't mind, but there are plenty that also don't agree with these laws. As is there a disturbance in the halfbreed community, many find themselves happy to be living a seemingly normal human life, others angry at the majority of humans for various reasons. Where will you find yourself in Sanctuary? [/indent] [center][img]http://img10.deviantart.net/f97f/i/2015/190/c/2/anime_mountain_by_colorfulsllama-d90jtbl.jpg[/img] [b][h2]SETTING:[/h2][/b][/center] [indent] Sanctuary is located deep within the European mountains, only 256 miles from the Eastern Coast. It sits about 1/4th of a mile from a waterfall, and this water flow unground into Sanctuary - supplying fresh water in reservoirs that have been built around accordingly for use. Located on a mountain overlook meters above the outer village is a red arch, that allows vagabonds to know their search is over - or help villagers find their way home. In order to get into Sanctuary, you must past through the first outer gate into the outer town known as Fora - and then inside the only known Entrance into Sanctuary. The woods around Sanctuary are thick with life, and artifacts from the past. Villagers are allowed to explore the woods, and mountainsides - but it is at their own risks, and there have been some that have never returned. The forest seems to always be giving in the Spring and Summer times, which is when Sanctuary flourishes with Villagers preparing for Winter. The winters can be very harsh, and sometimes even the Villagers of Fora find themselves behind the Mountain walls. Nefnast, the Halfbreed town, is located SouthWest a 1/2 mile from the Fora's Entrance, and the Gardens are located 1/4th mile East from the outer Fora's Entrance. Guards are on constant duty, surveying the area - and escorting gardeners, Halfbreeds, humans in between Sanctuary, Nefnast, and the Gardens.  Electricity is currently being worked on, and hopefully a way will be found to install it throughout the mountain - and begin changing life for Villagers.  [/indent] [h2][b]Village/Land Descriptions - [/b][/h2] [hider=Descriptions]  [url=http://i.imgur.com/KPJh6DJ.png?1][h3][b]Sanctuary - Level 1 - Ground Floor[/b][/h3][/url] Drawing by [@Ktyhera] <3 [h3][b]Sanctuary - Level 2 - Underground[/b][/h3] Stairs are all the way to the East wing, spiraling down. In the farthest Northern room is the bath hall. East/South halls extend out to resident housing. Expanding meters under ground housing the 1,000+ residents whom choose to live within the cave walls. West Wing is where shops/bars can be found. [url=http://img13.deviantart.net/cdad/i/2011/139/b/3/dwarf_town_2_by_hetman80-d3gozh0.jpg][h3][b]Fora[/b][/h3][/url][h3]Town outside of Sanctuary[/h3] A small town housing about 300+ residents whom choose to live outside of the mountain dwellings. These villagers all live out here by choice, and this town is treated almost as its own. It has a town square for bartering, bars, shops, an inn, blacksmith, stables, a small farm and more businesses. There is only one entrance into Sanctuary, and it lies in this town - when there are attacks two giant stone wheels are rolled in front of the entrance. Villagers who are unable to make it inside the village before it closes, are left to fend for themselves outside the mountain walls. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/36/3a/f1/363af13fde38e9e207995dfd43b2cd03.jpg][h3][b]Nefnast[/b][/h3][/url][h3]Town for Trusted Halfbreeds [/h3] Nefnast is Located a half mile away from the entrance of Sanctuary. It could be described as a cleaner shanty town, due to the residents tending to it more through the years. Houses close to 100 halfbreeds that have been accepted by the King - which many survivors are not in favor of housing/working with them. Nefnast is guarded by guards handpicked by the King himself - those he know whom will not treat Halfbreeds unfairly. The guards have constant watch over the perimeter due to spiteful villagers, Tier 3 demons ignore the small village. Halfbreeds are able to roam around freely around Tier 3 demons, this in turn has led them to be able to bring far more items from the older world - more scrap metals for building up their homes. Some have been begun to delve into technology of the past, learning the workings, and learning to read. Villagers of Nefnast frequent Sanctuary, coming to trade or work with business' that allow halfbreeds to work with them. Nefnast also is a community itself, having businesses, a bar, and more - some halfbreeds stay here, never visiting Fora or Sanctuary. Other Halfbreeds commute frequently between the human filled mountain, and their shanty town. [h3][b]Guardian Outposts[/b][/h3] These outposts are located approx. 60-100 miles North/East/West/South of Sanctuary. Each outpost extends under ground for housing for the Guardians. Northern outpost is covered in Snow throughout the year. Eastern outpost, which is closer to the sea, is constantly showered with rain and high constant humidity. Western and Southern outposts have fair temperature's, rain is light to mild, more habitable for humans, many Guardians hope to be stationed at these two outposts. [/hider] [h2][b]Tiers of Demons:[/b][/h2] [hider=Description of Tiers] [h3]3[/h3] > These demons resemble animals, if they were chopped up, and reassembled together. They're rather grotesque, and mindless. Seeming to run only on the instinct to kill any humans that come across their paths, usually exhibit rage towards humans. Cannot communicate with humans. Seen more frequently. Can be easily killed by severing head, or destroying the brain/heart. Have been seen ranging in sizes from Rabbits, to 10-feet high. May travel in packs, or alone. Have not been seen to exhibit any powers, just merely animalistic tendencies.  [h3]2[/h3] > Where Half-breeds fall into place. More intelligent, but still have demon characteristics (horns, animalistic eyes, claws, scales, tails, height difference). Tier 2 demons are able to communicate with humans, and some have formed bonds with villages to live  a life as normal as possible. These demons are the children of a demon and human partnership, or a Tier 3 demon experiment gone wrong. These demons can be killed by destroying the brain/hear, though it has been found Halfbreeds seem to be immortal until one of these two acts are done to them. Cannot shapeshift, retain human/demon form at all time. [h3]1[/h3] > These demons appear to be more godly in essence. All other demons submit/subject to these beings though, since Tier 2's express their own train of thought they have been known to detest. Their sightings are very rare. Have been known to shapeshift, and possess immense power. Not much known due to lack of sightings, and run-ins. Not playable characters. [/hider] [H2][B]The Guardians:[/B][/H2] [hider=Light History] >When the 1st decided King the placement for the new Human Settlement 'Sanctuary', he also decided there should be in essence a 'Big Brother' watching over Sanctuary, as well as the settlements outside of Sanctuary. King Gerard Nouvelle. He was a noble man, who died honorably of old age - set many of the rules and precedents Villagers still follow today.  > The Guardians are chosen at age 10, the King then decides which children should be sent West to begin their training. Children who are picked are forced to leave Sanctuary at age 10, where they remain till age 18. They are chosen merely through the King watching each child go through a basic set of tasks established by the King. Those who pass with flying colors are immediately chosen. > After returning at age 18, young recruits are allowed to stay at home for a few months before their next orders come in. >Many Guardians choose a life of solitude since relationships have been seen as ineffective due to their possible untimely deaths, and their stays at home are very short lived.  > The Guardians are all cloaked in man-made armor, a red sash is tied around their waists with a demonic-esque eye on the bottom of the sash. All Guardians adorn this one unifying piece of clothing. > Guardians almost seem to lack emotion, but are very loyal to the King, and their higher authorities, following through with every order despite the outcome. > Guardians are guaranteed a week home every 10 weeks. >Thanks [@Bishop] for this idea. [/hider] [h2][b]Possible Playable Characters:[/b][/h2] These are just characters, or I guess NPC's - if anyone wants to play as them - here are some relevant to Sanctuary. You are open to creating your own villager, vagabond, halfbreed, or Guardian. [hider=Please PM if interested] +Prince Marcus. Doesn't want to rule Sanctuary, instead wants to fight demons but hasn't ever left even the outer village. Constantly being watched by Guards, Soliders, and higher-ups. He wants to live a rebellious and free life.  +Tomuk - King's Advisor. Man in his late 30's, grumpy and tempermental. Oversees trades done by Sanctuary to other settlements, and entry of newcomers to village.  +Dayna - King's Advisor. Young woman in her late 20's. Seen as the refreshing face of the 3 advisors. Thinks with emotion, and what is the best outcome for a humanity. Is a huge advocate of bonding with Halfbreeds, and will typically be seen trying to improve Nefnast. She also oversees Gardening, shops, kitchen, and the stock/supply/rationing. Helps King choose Teachers/Gardeners/Kitchen Staff/etc. +Goran - King's Advisor. Young man in his late 20's. Is the Gaurdians/Warriors Commander. All orders from him are final, unless King Dominick says other wise. He helps the King choose new recruits for The Guardians, as well as basic soliders/hunters/etc. Very headstrong man. Does not like the King's choice of befriending Halfbreeds. + East/West/North/South Guardian Chief - I've made no names, or personalities for them. Kinda up to you, still PM me though. [/hider]