[color=00a651][h2][center]Episode 6 - The Warden - ft Vibe and the Bulleteer[/center][/h2][/color] This had been one hell of a first week for Warden. First a failed mission, then turned into a giant tentacle monster for the pleasure of Extant, then finally frozen in a freezer by another dude who just fucking showed up while he was hanging out in the tower. [i]Well, at least the freezing didn't last too long[/i] he thought, re-adjusting to his new surroundings as he streched his vines - [i]definitely not fully flexible.[/i] The two heroes with him mentioned a movie he had never heard of and an actor about whom he was only vaguely aware, catching his attention for the first time. His attention was then quicky re-caught by what appeared to be snot falling on him, and it then apparently forming into one eyed monsters. The Warden took a moment to contemplate if he was heavily intoxicated. Regardless, fighting them seemed to be the only option The Bulleteer was considering. The Warden considered this to be the likely end to this encounter, but was willing to hang back and assume a defensive pose for now, waiting for them to do something. The snot like enemies lunged at the heroes and Bulleteer took to the sky for a few moments before shooting through one of the monster's mid-sections. The hole he'd produced quickly healed back through and the creature turned around to face the damp defender of the downtrodden. Vibe avoided getting touched by the slimey creatures like a little girl and used his powers to blast the one approaching him back and away. The thing just kept reforming. Even when blasted to nothing but an eye. Seeing this, The Warden tried a new tactic, whipping his spiked vine straight into the eye of one of the slime monsters.