[quote=@Regitnui] [@McHaggis], I am as well. If the character discovering a family history of sandbending via bending is too much for this RPG, it's not one I'd like to join. [IMG]http://68.media.tumblr.com/e6a42ba4840154b8ebccceee587ad5aa/tumblr_inline_o69nvvmPGu1svcr8i_500.png[/img] [/quote] I don't think it's the discovery of a family history of sand bending that's the problem. I think it's the fact that you're trying to make your character become self-taught through a natural talent of sand bending. You compared your concept to the early stages of Katara, but even Katara was a novice until she received proper training. On the contrary, sand bending is like another form of earth bending, thus the concept of having a very slim ability to manipulate sand is applicable to all [b]experienced[/b] earth benders(from my understanding). This concept brings me back to when they went to that underground library and Toph was annoyed that she could only faintly bend the sand and we all know that Toph is a hella good earth bender :dreamy In all honesty, I think you should just go with someone that originates from the Si Wong desert to allow for a sand bending upbringing. Or perhaps your character started as an earth bender but resided in the desert somehow and ended up needing to learn sand bending for the sake of survival. A simple change in the character history could fix everything. Sorry to butt-in to this, I'm just trying to clarify. Unless I'm wrong as well then I'll edit this all out hehe.