[b][color=F4A460]E'nasha Williams[/color][/b] ~ [i]Yarosmere[/i][hr] [quote]"To review, we're going to beat you so you're not considered traitors by the crown, ensure that any disguises you need are in place so you don't get revealed and killed, and be on hand if everything goes to an absolute disaster and you need to get out of the palace as fast as possible. Any questions or requests?"[/quote] E'nasha sighed silently before shaking her head. This was going to turn out okay, right? Obviously it was well-thought out and, well there wasn't much else they could do. She went along quietly as they got the 'cosmetics' out of the way before the group was portal-ed to the desert sands in front of the Castle. They landed in a pile, and E'nasha was pretty much trapped by the others around her until they all started getting up. The pressure of the other's bodies on top of her own made her aches just [i]that[/i] much worse. The beating she received for authenticity sake seemed to also have been a release for the Sand Cobras' anger as much as a ruse to her now. She got up as soon as she could, apologizing to those around her as she crawled out of the pile. [quote][color=8dc73f]"Even in the night the ground, it is uncomfortable. Why would people choose to live here."[/color][/quote] As she stood, she heard Baulder speaking, probably to himself, but answered his question anyway. She walked beside him towards the castle gate as she spoke. [color=F4A460]"Some live here because they have no choice, others stay because this is where their family is. It's not that bad once you get used to the heat, most of the hard things about living in a desert are made easier over time."[/color] She used to live here, she would know... but this place wasn't the same as it was in her childhood. Too much had changed with the rise of the new king... she wasn't sure she wanted to come back anymore. The gate opened as they approached, and the group was rushed by the other half of the college students as they were taken inside the castle. El'kan hugged E'nasha as soon as he saw her, and even though he asked a million questions she stayed quiet for now, only hugging him back. Aramir waved off the guards as they tried to take the new arrivals to the infirmary, and E'nasha thanked her quietly as they were all then led to a courtyard and patched up a little by the other students. [quote]"Friends! I'm so glad that you're alive, but absolutely disgusted that the Resistance would disgrace us by treating you in such away. You have my word that we will find and destroy them. There will be nothing left of those cowardly fools but ash and blood by the time we are done."[/quote] E'nasha flinched as Yolin's voice rang out over the courtyard. The man was dangerous, she knew that much from what the others had said happened after she was pulled through the shadow portal at lunch, and she'd really been hoping to stay as far away from him as possible now they were back. Luckily, he clapped his hands and continued way too cheerily for someone who'd just promised to kill an entire group of people. Dinner was ready, and it's time to meet the king. E'nasha sat between El'kan and Baulder at the table, and began filling her plate with the familiar foods laid out before them. She pointed out a few of her favorite things to Baulder as well, even though she knew he'd probably end up trying them all by the end of the meal. The king sat to the group's right, though in her mind he didn't look regal so much as like a rogue. He had long dark hair and a sharp nose, a square jaw and piercing blue eyes. He was a pretty man, but in her mind he was still nothing like she had imagined the king would be. While she was pondering this in her mind the king spoke to them, and Darius was quick to answer. [quote]"I imagine the College has questions about my reign." [color=#C19A6B]"Something like that. It is not often a new nation is formed from beneath an existing one. Can you tell us how that came to be?"[/color][/quote] Before the king answered, she spoke up as well. [color=F4A460]"I have a more personal question, if you'll indulge me your highness. We may have been told this before, but what is your birthname?"[/color] As far as she knew, a person's name also told of where they were from. It'd be kinda cool if she could guess his hometown, if he had one.