[@Stern Algorithm] [@BurningDaisies] [@IceHeart] [quote=@Stern Algorithm] [color=a187be]"Guards!"[/color] Lexus Dominiel called out, [color=a187be]"We are but a humble band of travelers seeking accommodations; specifically room and board. I would also like to know where you place of worship is...so that I may pay my respects..."[/color] [/quote] Crap. Just when we think we don't attract enough attention because of what I look like, Lexus here decided to be helpful and call the attention of the guards so they'll only be focused on us. Thanks, you dumb tin-can. These guards sure look menacing. They seem to be cold towards the people coming into Brightwing and become enraged when someone doesn't present enough documents to go through. They're especially focused on the demi-humans, looking at them like they're trouble and will cause more harm than good. There are several guards stationed at the entrance but two of them approached us. I'm going to name them Guard A and Guard B. Guard A regards Lexus with a cold stare. [b]"Bunch of weirdos like you aren't needed in Brightwing. You're just going to scare the citizens with all your religious antics. Besides, do you have your documents with you?"[/b], he says to us. We all look at each other. We know we don't have any documents or forms of identification for this world yet we still tried to go in the city, hoping that they'll see us as harmless adventurers. [b]"Well, based from your look, I say you don't have any"[/b], Guard B said. [b]"The rule is simple: no documents, no entry. But in your case"[/b], he paused as he eyes Danielle, [b]"We could make an exception. Allow us one night with this pretty lady right here and we'll all let you in, hassle-free. Do we have a deal?"[/b] I almost threw up. There is no way in hell we're letting them have their way. Already the other guards began to eye on Danielle too, eager to put their hands on her. We just started our journey, does this mean we'll face more obstacles like these and worse in the future? I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and shout at the top of my lungs:[color=c4df9b]"You insolent fools!"[/color] All eyes are on me. I manage to take their attention off Danielle. Now, let's see if those three years in the drama club pays off. [color=c4df9b]"Yes, it is true that our group is religious. In fact, the reason we all look different is because we are all joined together for our love to the one true god. A god that is almighty and powerful yet humble and benevolent. That god's name is none other than..." "BEYONCE!"[/color] I spread my wings while I said it to produce a more dramatic effect. The guards and the ones before us look bewildered and some are in awe like I just sprouted wings(which I already have). Guard A is the first to shake out of the trance. [b]"B-Beyonce?"[/b] [color=c4df9b]"You heard me, noble guard, Beyonce! I know some or even all of you haven't heard of this god because She believes that true power is not the number of worshippers you have but the impact that you have made into their lives is what matters most."[/color] Guard A says, [b]"Nonsense! You're group is clearly just a bunch of lunatics. Leave a-"[/b] [color=c4df9b]"Tsk, tsk, tsk"[/color], I say while waving my wing. [color=c4df9b]"It is so sad, really, that people would push something away just because it is different or alien to them. You both are missing out on the wonders that you might exoerience when you open up to new changes and possibilities! As a gesture of kindness, allow me to present to you the ancient dance ritual of the goddess Beyonce."[/color] I immediately do the 'Single Ladies' dance, complete with the pouty lips, and dance as much as I can as a harpy. As much as I excel at studies, I suck in dancing, so it won't surprise me if I look like a chicken having spasms to them. Again, all eyes are on me. I'm trying my best to not freak out and cry in the spot because I do not like attracting attention at all. Guard B asks me once more, his eyes wide in... amazement? [b]"W-w-what are you doing, b-bird lady?"[/b] I try my best to look regal as I dance like a chicken on drugs. [color=c4df9b]"This is an ancient dance bestowed upon us by Beyonce herself. Doing this allows you to show your faith and gratitude to Her and it also comes with something else."[/color] [b]"Something else? W-what is it? Say it to us!"[/b], Guard B exclaims. I stop dancing and look at them with my wings on my hips. [color=c4df9b]"It incorporates in you the goddess's ultimate blessing! When doing the dance, Beyonce gradually blesses your soul with self-confidence and self-righteousness, making you become stronger to face your challenges and obstacles in life! It once even made a completely shut-in introvert become a social butterfly!"[/color] All of them gasp in admiration. Even the two guards who regarded us like we're scum now look at us like we're the ones who can cure all sickness in the world. I'm not even sure if they know what an introvert means nor did they think you'll become an actual butterfly, but as long as they're bedazzled, why not? [b]"Such nonsense!"[/b], Guard A exclaims. [b]"How can a simple dance have such an impact in oneself?! Surely you don't beli-"[/b] He stopped because he saw his partner doing 'Single Ladies' even with the pouty lips. He turns around and sure enough, all the guards are doing it too. I also turn around to see most of the ones behind us are doing the dance as well. [b]"I-I can't believe it, it actually works!"[/b], Guard B says as he dances with eyes full of surprise and amazement. He says to his partner, [b]"You must do it too! You'll be amazed by how incredible it is!"[/b] [b]"I won't do such nonsense! Never!"[/b], Guard A exclaims. Guard B laughs. [b]"Fine! It is your loss after all!"[/b] Despite not wanting to do it, Guard A seems to be extremely jealous of everyone, until he finally gives up and does the dance as well. As soon as he started, he immediately smiles and laughs. [b]"Incredible! So this is the power of the goddess Beyonce! Magnificent!"[/b] Now everyone is doing the dance except me and company. Those who look crestfallen before now smile earnestly like this is the most fun they had in years. Even the guards who look like their hearts are made of stone now laugh wholeheartedly while dancing. Wow, I don't even realize the impact Beyonce can make in the lives of many. Once again, Queen B saves the day! I ask the two guards who are totally in the zone. [color=c4df9b]"So, uh, about our entrance-"[/color] [b]"We take it back! Your group is officially welcome to Brightwing! Enjoy your stay and thank you for the miracle you've shared to us!"[/b], Guard A says. The gatekeeper salutes to us and opens the gate as we go pass the guards enjoying the dance. I breathe a sigh of relief. Thank god I was able to pull that off, and also for Beyonce. I hope we can get a place to stay and eat in as soon as possible because this girl is really starving right now.