[color=00a651][b]Dr. Arthur West - Salem Church Clinic[/b][/color] [i]“I should’ve realized we wouldn’t really be used to it, but come on, you have no curiosity at all towards the food?"[/i] "Curiosity, yes," Arthur chuckled again, "But only to an extent. I admit some of their cuisine is....interesting, but most of it is just downright horrific. Mutated animal meat and crops or ancient barely preserved irradiated foodstuffs. Its a wonder they haven't all died out yet. Their digestive tracts must have adapted to become iron..." [i]“I knew I recognized you from somewhere Dr West. My name’s Rick Noel, briefly worked under SR… prior to the incident…..Though I see point of avoiding food, we need to blend in after all while we are out here.”[/i] "SRB huh?," Arthur remarked with a curious look, "Yes...that makes sense. My lab frequently had contact with some of the agents over in SRB. I'm sure we've rubbed shoulders before but I couldn't place the name. But yes, unfortunately I agree, I try to eat the food when I can to avoid suspicion and to try and get used to it as much as I can. Its slow going however." [i]“I mean, I was sent out on a long term scouting mission, I need to get used to food out here… can’t run back to the vault all the time. You must be needing some food supplies if you been travelling all over, I have plenty here take some.” He extended the bag to the doctor, offering some of the supplies he had.[/i] Arthur took the bag gladly and examined it, becoming wide-eyed at the nutritional content within, "Holy smokes.." He whispered hungrily, "Thats...quite the cache. I've been getting low on supplements. I was even considering writing in and requesting a resupply, even though I was never really out here in an official capacity per-sey." He sat the bag aside and turned to Rick eagerly, "Speaking of which, how are things back home? Dr. Fillmore is still Director is she not? Is the rebuilding effort proceeding well?"