[@Cerces22] [@Alisdragon911][@MikkishtheLeprechaun][@Howilng Zinogre] "Epona?" Snowbell asked before walking to the horse to ride it. Smileing at Tor Vier. "Thanks you for the offer but we ate before we left our hotel, and nice to meet you. Oh and thanks for the few minute break, she was dying to climb on everyone so that should keep her entertained for 5 or so minutes" Finch said still holding onto the lesh juuuust incase "im finch, and the climber over there" pointing to his daughter "is Snowbell, Snowy for short." He said as he looked around, noticeing a bunch of the beings people were leaving, as they had entered. Looking back at Tor Vier, he gave a wrighe smile "uuuh" he rubs his hand in his hair, not sure if this is something he should say in the current setting "we'v been traveling, looking for a permant him since my wife passed away, giving birth" he says as he relaxes his arms by his side and looks at Snowy.